It was an while. Leo calmed me down and wasn't mad. Then he offer me an room, but I decline the offer and slept on the coach.


When the morning, the sounds from the tv blasted, waking me up out of the blue.

"Reports from the world's famous Taft Studios have been confirmed. They have replace joy and laugher with terrors and munder. Please join us as the story develops later today." The woman had said, my hand shaking as they show CCTV footage of everything.

"I was there, I bought there to help I believe. I still don't know." I said. Leo looked at me from the stove, flipping the pancakes.

"Thats why you were bloodly up on your hands and pants?" Leo said, I nodded. "I was helping Andy." I simply replied.

"Right. Well you want something to eat before you leave?" Leo suggested.

"Sure." I had tons pancakes and bacon. Leo just had his traditional stuff. I lefted my plant in the sink and helped with the dishes. After that, I said my goodbyes and hopefully will to see him at coronation. If I get home at time.


I was back where I began. The beach. The Pterolykos was waiting for me. I got on, but before I could fly, Captain Shirley had stopped his boat, being part of the water house.

"What an snowflake doing here?" he said while lighting an other cigarette. His voice was raspy enough.

"I was here for business." I replied. I ingore the snowflake part. Capatin Shirley quieted down once I said that. He went on with his day.


Brooklyn, New York.  9:00 am

It was morning traffic. We landed on the roof of the an building. An abandoned one.

The wood had broken by my weight. I dropped on box like machine once down. My job wasn't done, and will be done once getting is done.

An note I find, it was an same hand writing as representative Athur and Kirus. An note about getting the ink machine in thier hands. Joey practices going too far. But they were ready to going to get the machine, failed due too as Kirus's truck broke down.

More and more notes appeared. I put them in the book to keep all organize, especially the storys of actually employees like Buddy Lewek. It turn into more pages, first regerting it but calming down. I closed the book for good. But back in my bag.

I pull out my weck that was from Taft Studios. It was in my innter left pocket of my dark purple jacket. I did the same trick as I did with the lock. It worked without the magic is time. I felt something at my foot. I looked. It was an demon like creture, on which stopped what I was doing.

"Hey!" I yelled.

I immediately think on what to do. From taking inkology classes, thr bleach and fire will killed the cels. Harley had gave me his birthday wand before I sliencely lefted the place unannounced. I used it, wetted with the bleach. Before throwing it, I used an lighter to light it on fire.

I threw it at the demon creature. It died in ink blots. It then frozen, and blast out magic, feeling the cold chills and breaking cains.


I was asleep. Again, police lights. My father was standing up right in font of me. He was checking my heartbeat. He was complaing to the medical doctors that I wasn't hurt, though I had dirt and blood stains on everything now, inducing ink now.

"Dad?" I asked. He was relived, smiled, and hugged me. Pterolykos and Mercy had joined me. Spirits of the cartoons characters. They stand aside.

"You should tell me where you were going." My father said, and then looked behind me, " find your skill! I guess you took after me." I question my father words.

"I thought everyone takes after thier parents place? Is that the whole thing?" When I said is, my father laughed.

"Not all the time. Or sometimes it not the entire foment. Just depends on the relationship dramatic." My father explained as he fix my dirty hair.

"So what is it?" I asked. Was it anything that as to do with sprits, mtyhology, and astrology? All of them?

My father was in slience, letting me figuring out on my own, until it popped in. I smiled, since I always wanted to like my father.

"Your little bit of your mother too. Frozen powers," he put gloves on my hands, "the gloves will comd off until your able to contorl them."

We went home in the limbo. I loved riding with my father, becasue he was always chilled about the drinks.

"Torrorrow coronation kid. You exitced?" My father asked. I wasn't planning on going.

"Not really. I won't really what to go." I told him. He gave me an side look, he wasn't furious.

"You don't want to hang out and get your Wise Men name?" my father was possibly drunk, drinking all the champagne he wanted.

"Not that. I don't want to make an scene. Missing posters were everywhere with my face on it." I explained. I had nocited that when we enter the Canadian city near Guelph.

"Fair game. What you going to do  then?" My father kept asking questions. Coronation was just all about the kids reaching senior years while celebrating them over thier places.

We got out of the car. "I'm going get got up on sleep." I said. And walked off, opening the doors to the palance. Home sweet home.

I went to the kicthen to cook something quick. Didn't mind talking to Chirs and Alan, that they were in the lounge area.


I put the book on my wooden desk. I read the pages. History of all the places I visted. Haysville, Taft Studios, Joey Drew Studios, and.....Freddy Fazbear? More like legends of the Fazbear and Friends characters. Something tjat either might happen or not.

I didn't show anyone. Since showing this book to anyone would an risk. So I quicky to the libary to turn it in, so did Joey's memior, The Illusion of Living.

                 End of Chatper 7

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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