"The Splits had...." Again, Karl didn't know how to put into words. He was wrapping his wound finger that was cut in half on his index one. Maybe the reason why also on how rush I was in my tone. I try to act more respectful towards him. That made an difference.

"The programming went wrong," Karl said, while still looking at hand, "Everytime I tell them stop, they don't listen. The network took thier show."

I felt like I had do something, taking care of it myself. "Listen, I'll do something. I'm here for an reason." I said and ran off to find the Spilts. But before I had to find out where the head of network was. Since the blood trail lead to the what look was an basement door. I opened it, and look at Karl.

"Where does is lead too?" I asked, but in an repectfully serious tone. Trying to be too hursh like I was the last time. "The lower stage. But it's as an boiler room." Karl was little but shaking now, his mouth still drop after he speaks.

I refuse to not go the boiler room. And I shut the doors, then walking out leaving Karl to himself. The Splits show had ended and joined them when walking backstage to Stevie's room.

Drooper had magic coming from him. I noticed it easily. But wasn't able to pin point since Stevie had hit my shoulder, snaping me back to reality. I knew something had taking over my body. Something that wasn't me.

But I was back to Stevie's dressing room. Like where suspose to be.

I heard some kind of conversation between the Splits and Stevie. It wasn't an pretty one.

"I just drinking toast....to our cancellation," Stevie said, I lead to the corner so more, "The show done, becasue the network thinks you suck......you never perform in font of an audience.....ever again." Stevie was taking breaks between his words. I didn't kniw what was going though his mind, but I knew he truley meant is. 

"Cheers to you, I hated ever mintuie with working with you assholes." The glass of whiskey was shaking while saying it. I get out of his way and hide in the back of the room. You didn't want to mess with Stevie at is monument.

He was looking himself in the mirror while drinking his liquor. I just had noticed that he had an card that was clip on to his mirror. His only fans, being an girlfriend of his and sister of course. Drooper walked in. I got used to the fact that animatronics just have thier own mind and walk whatever they want too.  Stevie noticed. He turned around and walk in font of Drooper.

"You got to be kidding me," there was an pause, "I guess Karl's stupid update didn't work.....big surpise." Stevie walked closer to Drooper, he drank an big one, didn't drink. He hold it. Then he splited it in his face, lending closer, I immediately stopped by holding his arms and holding him back. Extremely dangerous.

"God dame robots!" he yelled as I drag him back. He was fighting back. I hold him still.

"Stay still!" I told him. And so he did.

Drooper stood still at this point. Didn't move an inch. Stevie walked out the door, fixing his tux on this way there. Leaving me and Drooper by ourselves.

The kind of dust appeared. His time I mosty took control, looking at Drooper. I completed zone out for an whole mintuie.


"Hello?" I heard an southern dawl voice. An loin with wet looking paws appear to be waving at me. I was on the floor, on my back.

"Um. Hi?" I said back. Why was i taking to possible imagination character like Willy. The loin smiled, big teeth that wasn't look sharp.

"My name Drooper. What's yours?" Drooper had said. "Its Linux." I got up, and went to the main stage. The backstage must be happening right now, because of the empty seats. Drooper just sliently followed me. He was an tall one, walking on his hine legs that curve at his hine bone. He wasn't fat, his thickly skinney. Dark brown fur that looked like wet from swimming. He wasn't wet upon petting. His mane wasn't even comb though, so what messing that it look neat and long. His glasses had an bandage in the middle to keep them in place, short paw warmers that buckle at the soul of the feet. His tail was sewed on since the colorly of it was yellow at the end. He was an loin mashed up with an plush. It was interesting design choice.

His red nose glowed in the dark, like the red nose reindeer. It annoyed me at first, but helpful that the end to navigate the dark hallways. His eyes opened wide when he first did it, but close them right back. Smiling for embarasment.

"Wheres the others?" I asked. On what I meant was the other Splits.

"I don't know. They lefted." Drooper was looking the mail box, so his repose echoed.

"They most be backstage on the sets. Stevie had went there too." I suggested by Stevie's last appearance that I saw them.


"Is Fleegle's Magic Shop!" Drooper had climbed inside the set. 

"You know that thier was stairs?" I said. Drooper flutter and giggled.
I just rolled my eyes and looked at the cards. Mr.Gatsby told me to apperceptice art like is.

"Thadd is amazing! Thats Snorky's Ciruis....and Bingo's Jungle!" she gasped. Their was an paused.

"Oh crap---That's Fleegle's Magic Shop."

"Drooper! Hide!" I whisped and grabbed Drooper's arm and we hid in the rectangle redish box. I hold the saw to at least not casue any cuts.

The couple were live streaming thier future marriage, the guy popping in the question. Her being excited and full on happy for the rest night. Staying calm when Fleegle doing his maigc trick on his phone, breaking into piece's. I bet its one those IPhones, speaking from experience.

Fleege opened the box. Discovering us. I had the saw in my hands. I knew what to do then.

"Surprise!" I hitted Fleegle's right eye, cutting his head split open. It revealed his machine insides.

Fleegle seem to fight back. Throwing me out. Drooper had flew out of the box, only for few monument landing on his bottom casuing the set to shake an little.

It seem helped since it only casued Fleegle to fall too. It gave me an chance to get the saw again.

"Drooper! Get them to safety!," I yelled out Drooper, giving the repose of an full milliary state, "Follow Drooper." I told the couple. And so they did. Running off the set following Drooper.

My next move was going the saw in his wasit. He couldn't see through his right side, his blind side, so it just perfect. When hitting his waist it hurt the chest cavity and woundn't be able to move correctly. On which happened when I put the saw into his left wasit. Making him limp, and not able to get up correctly. Slicing himself more, the farbic riping along the way. The next thing I know Bingo was right behind me. As soon hearding the "Time is almost up" phase I turning around. I used the same saw, but it was duel that wound't cut. The next thing to do was run. Going to Snorky's Cirus to hide.


After an few mintuies of hiding. Looking out if it was okay enough. I saw Fleegle. I stood still. But he made no move, instead coughing up an lung. His floppy voice had made him split in my face. I rub off my shirt.

"I'm sorry about that." Fleegle apologized. He was nice. Nice groomed for an dog, an red fannel bowtie that was untie, looking like the drunk Stevie I saw before. Their was same helment that Drooper and the other splits were wearing. Fleegle was hyperventilation, being that his tourge was out.

I cautiously got out. Nearly to Fleegle. I went back to Fleegle's Magic Shop. Fleegle's animatronic body wasn't there, only some kind of acid.

               End of Chatper 5

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