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Few months had gone by since SHIELD's fall, which lead Steve and Jasmine back with the Avengers to track down and take down the Hydra bases that were left. It had also meant it had been a few months since Steve and Jasmine started dating and it was going as perfect as it could.

Thought this relationship was put to the side as they spent a lot of the time going on missions to take down the remaining Hydra bases that didn't go down when the rest of it did. The two didn't mind so much as they still got to spend time with one another. But of course it couldn't be done with the constant teasing from the rest of the group with the exception of Bruce and Thor.

During their spared days they spent them on building their relationship and opening up on one another.

Expect for days were they had to spend training and recalibrating their skills. Whether it be fixing suits like Tony or working on finding your zen like Bruce, or showing off their powers like Thor, they all had to do some type of training.

For those who were human like the former shield agents to super solder, they worked on their hand to hand combat. Jasmine did both, combat and working with her abilities but she preferred hand to hand.

"Alright Romanoff vs..." Tony looked at the chart in the training room,  "Ah! Fury Jr."  The two women were not in the room at the time as they prepared themselves to train.

Clint looked at the genius in question, "Oh no." He muttered.


The archer shook his head, "Those two don't face off...ever." He commented.

Steve stepped up to the three, Thor and Banner at this side, "Like they never have?" Clint shook his head, "But they're both SHIELD spies, how have they never gone head to head?"

"They just haven't." He answered.

Clint shrugged, "They didn't want to put their top two women against one another."

"Is it really that dangerous to put them against each other?" Bruce questioned.

"Natasha is a world class assassin, a deadly one who likes to come out on top even if she doesn't show it. Jasmine was an independent spy since she was thirteen, it was rare that she teamed up with anyone. She went in, did the job and came right out."

"You're saying things we already know." Tony remarked taking a seat on the bench dramatically.

"Look they're strong together but against each other neither will yield until the one's passed out or potentially dead." Clint remarked with some sarcasm.

Tony shrugged, "Well, my votes on Romanoff."

"No." Thor's voice boomed, "Tiny will come out victorious." He cheered.

"Alright let's put our money–" Tony stood ready to make the bet.

Steve interjected, "Guys! I think Barton was telling us this because we shouldn't put them up against each other. So no bets because it's not going to happen."

𝐍𝐞𝐰 '𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝' [ 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ]Where stories live. Discover now