8: dodgeball

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"yesterday, was fun!" leewon exclaimed at yoonwol as they both walk through the hallway.

"i can't believe teayong!" she added.

"btw, here, leewon. Just give it back after you finished reading it." yoonwol grinned, giving a fantasy book to her.

"i had a hard time finding it on my room." she added.

"thank you." leewon stated.

Ni-ki unexpectedly barge infront of them.

"for you." he said and offered a strawberry milk to yoonwol x?infront of leewon who had a crush on him.

"thank you." yoonwol patted his head, and took the strawberry milk on his hand.

Someone shouted.
They all shifted their gaze behind them, and saw jungwon catching up to them.

Jungwon pants placing his hand on his thigh.
"you're welcome."
Jungwon gave her a strawberry milk with a lollipop attached to it, and left running.

"h-hey! Thank you, yang jungwon!" leewon yelled, and which made jungwon turned around, and reaches his hand to his eyes trying to make it wink for her, end up receiving a laugh at leewon before jungwon ran along the hallway.

"he's being too obvious, leewon." yoonwol nudge her elbow, adding a chuckle at the end.

"what do you mean?"

"nothing. Let's go!" both of them made their way to the classroom followed by ni-ki behind them.

"good morning!" teayong sang as the three went inside.

"it's  early in the morning, teayong. Stop killing my ears" ni-ki covered his ears both of his index finger while he walks to his seat.

"good morning class." mr. Joy entered.

Yoonwol and leewon immediately went to their seats and sat down properly.

"we're gonna do p.e, so get your uniform already."
All of the students ran to the changing room.


All of them got separated, since they were gonna play dodge ball

After some minutes, yoonwol and
ni-k's team are gonna lose. Jungwon threw the ball, hitting ni-ki on his shoulder.

"you're 9out." jungwon said.

Jungwon's team threw the ball at yoonwol, luckily she dodges it. Again, their team threw, but this time, yoonwol got hit on her knee, falling to the ground as she lost her balance.

Ni-ki, and leewon rushes to her. Leewon suddenly tripped, because of her shoelace, and fell on the ground hardly. She groaned, and sat straight, not noticing there were already blood flowing inside her pe pants.

Leewon look around the place, and took a glance at ni-ki who didn't gave her a care, and focused on yoonwol.

"yoonwol, are you okay?" ni-ki worriedly asked.

Leewon stood up still feeling pain, and went to yoonwol.
"are you hurt?"

"not really, i just fel-"

"you!" ni-ki stood up, grabbing the student's collar who threw the ball at yoonwol.

"she's a girl! You should be careful!" he yelled.

"ni-ki, this is a game." jungwon rushes to him, trying to pull ni-ki's hand off his collar.

"it's normal for us to fall." jungwon bickered as he tried to pull him away.

"so what!? He needs to be a gentlemen around women!"

Ni-ki threw him to the ground, and glared at him before carrying yoonwol in a bridal style to the treatment room. Leewon watches them leave, trying herself not to be jealous as she don't wanted to felt selfish when it comes to love.

Jungwon pulled her up by her waist.
"are you okay?"

"y-yeah, it's yoonwol who fell." she scratches the back of her neck awkwardly.

"not just her, you are too." jungwon pointed at her pants, and finally realizing that she was bleeding.

"oh no, did i fell hardly?" she panicked.

Leewon ran
"i should get a cot-"
She suddenly fell, again, but jungwon held her waist preventing her from falling to the ground.

"no, we will." without any permission, jungwon carried her in a bridal style and head to the treatment room to treat her wounds.


"leewon? What happened to you?" yoonwol asked as ni-ki beside her. Yoonwol was surprised to see her sitting at the edge of the bed, letting jungwon treat her wound.

"i, fell." she awkwardly replied.

"it's okay, i'm already here." jungwon stood up, and organized the things he used for her wound.

"here." he offered a strawberry milk to leewon, and grinned.

"thank you, jungwon." she smiled,, and sips on the straw.

"let's go to our room already." jungwon guided her to stand up, by wrapping his arms around her.

They left the treatment room leaving yoonwol and ni-ki hanging.

"stay there, okay? I'll get you foods."

"i can wal-" leewon about to stand up, but she still felt a pain on her knee, causing her to sat down again.

"see? Stay here." jungwon left the classroom and head to the cafeteria.

Leewon took the fantasy book that yoonwol just gave her out of boredom.

At the same time, ni-ki and yoonwol arrived with a food on their hands. Leewon shifted her gaze to them, and smiled.

Leewon continues to wait for jungwon while reading.

"leewon? Do you want this?" yoonwol offered her a strawberry milk. She hesitates to accept it since it was her favorite, but she knew ni-ki bought it for yoonwol.

"no, jungwon went to the cafeteria, he'll be back soon."

"what about you, yoonwol? Are now okay?" she asked.

"yeah, no scars or wound at all."

Leewon nodded and focused on reading again. She heard a wrapper, and glance at both of them, to see
ni-ki opening the food for yoonwol.

She grew a fake smile, and...
Someone called her.

Leewon fixed her eyes to the door, just to see jungwon bought a lot of foods on his arms. She widen her eyes as she can't finish eating that food.

He pulled the chair to sit infront of her, and slowly unwrapping the food before feeding it to her.

"jungwon, my knees are hurt, not my han-"

Jungwon didn't let her finish and shove a food on her mouth. He laughs when her cheeks looks so fat because of the amount of food he had feed her.

He felt a stare from both of them knowing who it was, but focused on laughing at leewon.

He patted her back,
"eat slowly."

"i will, master." leewon obeyed.

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