38: game

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The next day, leewon was excited to watch ni-ki and jungwon's game. But at the same time,
she was shy to appear infront of jungwon after what happened last night.

"leewon!" someone called leewon.

Leewon turned around, and saw chancheol with a cloth on her knees, and on her elbow.
( I don't know what it's called (╥﹏╥) )

"watch me play, later." chancheol said excitedly.

"if we win, you're gonna treat me tteokbokki after the game." she muttered, earning a laugh from leewon who finds her action so adorable.

"and if you lost, you're the one who's gonna treat me tteokbokki." leewon replied back.

"I worked hard! You're still gonna treat me!"

"that's not fair!" leewon fought back and laugh at the end.

"whatever. Fine." chancheol frowned, and fold her arms.

"byee!" leewon turned around, and bid her goodbye before entering their classroom.

As expected, her classmates are there, with the same outfit of chancheol. Some of them
are saying how excited they was.

"cheer for me, leewon." yoonwol muttered after leewon just sat down on her chair.

"okay." she replied shortly, and place her bag under her desk. Jungwon wasn't here, that cause leewon's awkwardness to be less.

But unfortunately, jungwon entered the classroom. Leewon's awkwardness started to rise, as she look at him
walking towards her. Leewon showed a smile, when jungwon finally noticed her.

"cheer for me later, leewon." a familiar voice spoke to leewon next to her.
She was sure, it's not jungwon.

Leewon turned around, and saw ni-ki greeting her a big wide smile on his face.
As if he was excited, and has been waiting for this on his whole life.

"huh? Ha-ha, s-sure..." she awkwardly replied. Her gaze went back to jungwon, when she felt
moving beside her. It was jungwon who was finding something on his bag.

"jungwon." she called.

Jungwon turned to her. "hmm?"

There was a long pause, before leewon respond. "goodluck."

Jungwon wore a smile, and winked using his finger before he left, holding his tumbler. Leewon only watch his broad
shoulder, as he walk.
At the same time, she again felt a tickle on her tummy. She always felt this, when she was with jungwon.

As her tummy tickled, she felt her cheeks heated. Just by watching his shoulder? Really, self?

"your cheeks are red. What is it?" she snapped out of her dream world, when ni-ki sat beside her.

"r-red? H-huh? Stop lying." leewon returned to the board, ignoring ni-ki who's teasing her.

"really? Do you want me to take a picture of you?"

"w-what? No!" her eyebrows furrowed, and pouted as ni-ki asked to his phone,
while recording her and laughed.

"stop it, ni-ki." she scolded.

"no. It's better if I'll show you this." he laughed, as leewon pouted and covered her face.

"you're no fun."

"it's only you, who finds me funny." leewon muttered and covered the camera with her palm.

He laughed, "cute."

"I'll go, bye!" ni-ki stood up and left running leaving leewon at her seat mad.


After some minutes of reading, leewon finally finishes the book yoonwol gave her.
She was happy, when the stories ends with a good and happy ending.

She stood up, and took the book with her, hugging it. As she was about to step out of the classroom,
she was being greeted by jungwon peaking at the door.

They made eye contact. They were both shocked.
Jungwon was surprised, when he got caught, while leewon was shocked to see him here.


"I gotta go." jungwon cutted her words, by his cold an serious tone. He left her, speechless freezing on one spot.

"oh no. What if he saw me dying over zylan?" she run her palm through her face.

but instead of worrying, the corner of her lips turned up, as she felt her cheeks heated also.

"get on yourself, leewon." She herself slap her face.

"Good afternoon, everyone." The voice speaking in a microphone said.

Leewon automatically ran through the fields, as she knew the program is starting.

"Before we start our program, kindly please bow your head, and listen to ur prayer."

Leewon got their on time. The boy on the field was announcing some rules, and other school necessary. The volleyball member is the first one going to play.

As leewon sat on the bleachers, chancheol winkd at her, and held a finger heart, which was leewon automatically gave her one too.

"The game, is starting!" Cheers

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