14: i promise

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Leewon shifted her gaze beside her.
She mumbled.

Ni-ki waved his palm on her face.
"so, do you need help?"

Her mind snapped out in reality.
"ye- i mean, no."

"what if you'll take it from me?" she lowered her gaze and toyed with her finger as she was very shy.

"what? No, then...i'll guide you up." he offered his hand from her to stand up. Leewon hesitates, but accepts.

"but, how?" she asked. Ni-ki gently placed his hand on her shoulder and turn her around facing the tree she needed to reach.

"how? What's you pla- AH!" ni-ki sneaks his hand on her waist, slowly carry her up.

"reach it!" he exclaimed. Leewon was still confused, but immediately reaches her hand finally took it.

He put her down, and pants.
"am i that heavy?"
Leewon shyly asks.

"yeah.." he answered. Leewon lowered her gaze after what she just heard, and play with the flag.

"i think i'm gonna go now." he turned his body around.

"ni-ki..." leewon called out.

"who's your partner?" he turn his body to face her, giving her a smile.

"yoonwol, bye." then he left, for real.

"of course, it's yoonwol. Who wouldn't? I mean- i mean she's beautiful, to be honest."

Her legs started to take a steps, and read the map again.


"ni-ki!" yoonwol called out when she spotted ni-ki going to her direction.

"so did you found one?" she asks.

"no, come on, let's go there." he pointed at the other way direction, and walk followed by yoonwol.

"aww, we still didn't found one." yoonwol pouted holding the map.

"it's okay, we will find one for sure." his hands patted her head, before interlocking their hands together.

"ni-ki!!" yoonwol unexpectedly yelled out when she found a bug, and clung herself to ni-ki's back.

"a bug! A bug! A bug!" she pointed at the ground and screamed on ni-ki's ears as she was very scared.

"ni-ki kill it! Kill it!" she exclaimed earning a laugh from him, before he stomped on it.

"yah! Don't laugh at me!" her hands hit his shoulder.

"now, put me down, ni-ki."

"no, stay with me a little longer."

"but i'm heavy-"

"you're not. And, don't call yourself like that." ni-ki began to walk, holding yoonwol tightly.

"but, i am heavy?" leewon appeared behind the tree when the two already left. She pinches her wrist, to her arm, testing if she's fat.

Her fingers toyed with each other, looking at the leaves that scattered on the ground.

"leewon! I found one!" someone spoke. She turned her body around, seeing jungwon catching up to her.

"we had two!!" he exclaimed.

"let's separate again." leewon suggested as she wants to be alone for a while.

"yeah." jungwon said and walk on a different direction.

Her head was low down, kicking the leaves on the ground as she was really bored now.
Her steps was now got slow down, since her body is really tired. She sat underneath the tree, and sigh.

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