Chapter 3: "The Goddess's joke"

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Rob, a warrior of the Black Moon above


"Don't you dare to cry, you little slut," I snarl and come closer to him. "I, Rob Tratter, reject you, Kyle..."

But I don't get to finish because he screams so loud and so painful that it pierces through my heart as my wolf howls in my mind. He wasn't also very happy when he realized who our mate is, but the strong wave of pain this whore goes through now makes us also feel it.

I bite my teeth, I should feel nothing but joy that this fucking slut and liar is in pain, but the mating bond has already started to mess with my brain. I gather myself to finish the rejection; I must break all ties with him as soon as possible.

But once again, I don't get to do that. My nose takes in the smell of blood; I look at the small figure crutching on the floor in front of me and see blood and water coming from between his thighs as he keeps clutching his big stomach. His beautiful face is twisted in pain. Fuck, has my trying to reject him caused him to go into labor!

I take a step away. Should I just leave should...? He looks at me with so much sorrow in his eyes, asking me with no voice if I let him die. He is so beautiful I almost feel myself drowning in his eyes.

Fuck, fuck with this, I think as I bent and take him into my arms. I feel sparks flying between our skins as I cradle him closer to my chest. He twists in my arms and whimpers as I take him toward the pack's infirmary. I don't have a problem with finding it; the first wolf I meet shows me the right direction.

His nails dig into my arms, and I can't surpass the strong wave of pleasure that runs through my body; he fits in my arms so perfectly. His scent is so divine, even polluted now with the smell of blood and labor.

As we enter the pack's doctor's office, he immediately stands up and rushes toward us. A couple of minutes later, I'm in the corridor, listening to my mate's screams of pain. But I'm not alone.

They are all here, including Mikkeli Blackwood, the Alpha. I clench my fist, trying not to look too vengeful. This is the man who killed my brother and five other warriors from my previous pack because of the supposed rape of his younger brother.

Fuck, this must be a Goddess's joke.

Four months ago, my younger brother came to this pack to prepare the joint attack against hunters and never returned because he was killed for raping the Alpha's brother. My parents were devastated, especially my mother. We all were always very protective of Renan, and now he is dead. Despite my hate towards Alpha Mikkeli, I can't blame him completely. He used the Bloodline Law and challenged my brother and others fairly. He allowed them to protect themselves, and he even allowed them to attack at once, so it wasn't the execution in cold blood.

The fucking guilty one for my brother's death is this fucking bitch who's giving birth now because he lied!

"Mikkeli, please try to calm yourself. Everything is alright. Kyle will be alright," I hear Luna Hannah saying, and I see Alpha wrapping his hands around her waist, sniffing her smell.

"Yes, but it's too early. He's only four months long. He should give birth next month, not earlier," he says, which makes me flinch.

Four months? Does it mean that he is pregnant because of what happened that night? Maybe this child is Renan's child? But immediately, I tell myself to stop. I shouldn't have thoughts like that; my brother is dead that bitch is guilty of his death, and nothing will ever change that.

"And you are?" Luna looks at me, and I bow my head as a sign of respect.

"I came today from Full Moon's, the second territory now to start serving at the patrol; I got lost and found him in the kitchen; his water has just broken," I say, which is not necessarily so far away from the truth.

"Thank you for helping him," says Alpha.

I don't get to respond because we all hear the infant's cry, and they all enter the room. For a moment, for a very brief moment, I can see Kyle holding his baby. He looks tired but happy, so gorgeous; my heart aches because I want to go and hold him, and I will never get that.

It must be the Goddess's cruelest joke to mate me with my brother's murderer, I think as I leave the infirmary and slowly walk toward my quarter. Again, the first met wolf shows me the direction.

The big, older wolf with grey hair awaits me in front of the house.

"My name is Dalton, and I know why you're late. What's your name, son?"


"Ok, you and 20 others from your pack will be under my command starting tomorrow. You are here to make yourself familiar with previous Blackwood territory, now the first territory of Black Moon since you have never set foot on this land. Beta recommended you personally, so I'm expecting some good things from you," he says. "Oh, and Beta waits for you in your room."

I nod once again and go upstairs. I think I like this Dalton guy. He looks experienced and tough. As he told me, Hank awaits me in my room. I smile, looking at my old friend. I'm 23 when Hank is 25, but he taught me everything I know about being the pack warrior.

"How was your first day?" he asks.

"Fine, I met the Alpha and his omega brother," I say, and Hank tenses immediately.

"Relax, I haven't done anything; I'm a pack warrior. I know what is expected from me. I know how big a chance for our people this pack's merge is. You trained me; you know that my personal feelings don't matter."

"I hope you aren't planning to challenge Mikkeli."

"That would be suicide, he's too strong, and I know that, but are you sure that our people can trust him? Can trust into his protection?"

Hank takes a deep breath before his answer. I've always valued in him that he takes into consideration what he's about to say.

"I also have to learn how to deal with Mikkeli, his previous Beta was not only his second-in-command but also his best friend, and he died protecting him, so it will be tough. But you fought alongside Mikkeli and my side during our operation against hunters. You know that Mikkeli is fair and can be trusted. When Connie poisoned our best warriors when she condemned our pack to be disbanded, Blackwood and his Luna were the only ones eager to help us even though after everything that had happened between our two packs, it would be wiser for them just to whip us out. No one would blame them. I may not yet trust Mikkeli fully, but I trust his mate, Luna Hannah."

"I know it's just that it's difficult. After all, he..."

Hank puts a hand on my arm and gently squeezes it.

"I know your father is not happy with that because his loyalty was with Ryan. But Ryan allowed his own daughter to destroy his own pack; he didn't protect us. It was too long, things must have changed, and I'm happy that they did. I know it would be difficult but try to do your best so that this Black Moon Pack could flourish," he says before he leaves my room.

I sigh as I try to sleep, but it's not that easy; my wolf is far from calm. Even though we both don't want to admit it, we want to go to our mate and have him in our arms once again.

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