Chapter 8: "Not alright"

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Danny above


It's been over six weeks since I came to the first territory and met my mate. Fuck, I didn't get close to him or even see him since he pushed me away into his room. I want to laugh when I think about it. I went to him to get over it, to finally reject him, but it didn't go the way I had planned.

Probably because of his intoxicating smell, fuck my wolf was getting crazy and kept pushing me to mate. When Kyle entered and showed clear distrust towards me and my intention, it hurt, but the fact that he thought I could harm his baby made me furious, so I thought, why not? Why not fuck him at least once? Why not make my wolf happy at least once and later move on with my life?

Goddess, he was so delicious and felt so good. I don't understand why he suddenly said "no". His wolf must've been as horny as mine because of the mating bond yet something in his eyes almost made me flinch away from him. Well, I shouldn't bother myself too much; he said no, so there is no point in thinking about it. I don't want him anyway, but still, I haven't found any courage to go to him again and finally reject him.

I stop in front of my parents' house and shift into my human form, they wanted me to visit, and I decided to let my wolf run such a huge distance to make him calmer. He keeps being difficult, probably because of our mating problem.

As I enter our house, I'm welcomed by silence and go straight to Renan's room; I'm not even surprised to see my mother there. She doesn't look any better since I saw her last time. Renan was the youngest of us, and mum always used to see him as her favorite and...

"Rob, honey, how are you?" she says as she notices me.

I come closer to hug her, and she immediately starts to fuss that I got thinner. Well, maybe I did. But she looks sad and tired; no matter what everybody says about time healing wounds, I just know she isn't any better, and it's all because of the stupid bitch. I feel hatred burn in my veins again. It's all his fault!

Later when all three of us, I and my parents sit at dinner, I'm still far away from feeling domestic bliss. My father, grumpy as always, keeps complaining about the new order. He doesn't like that the Gamma changed the training schedule, he doesn't like that Alpha and Beta don't consulate the new rules with the previous Alpha, and he doesn't like that some privileges have been postponed. 

As much as I don't like to admit it, he isn't right. I've seen the way Mikkeli Blackwood manages his pack, and he knows perfectly what his job is. Blackwood's security is tight, and their training program is demanding but gives good results; they also haven't encountered problems with food or medical supplies as we did.

I remember that one of my father's friends, Dickson, was banished by Mikkeli Blackwood soon after he had come to power and later was accepted here. He used to say that Mikkeli would soon be gone because he didn't know what he was doing, and yet here we are. Eight years later, his pack flourished and ours was almost destroyed and needed to be rescued by him. Moon Goddess seems to enjoy playing jokes on my family.

"Where is Roseanne?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"At the training. The Gamma decided to start including females in warrior units, and apparently, your sister has some potential because he chose her along with 15 more to start. Ridiculous, women's place is in the kitchen!" my father snarls.

I don't even try to argue with him but saw female warriors from different packs during our latest war with hunters, and I know how good they can be. Alpha Ryan was stuck on his belief that women have no business on the battlefield,  which I think reduced our pack's strength dramatically. Well, let's say it openly, Ryan wasn't interested in making any changes profitable for our pack.

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