Chapter 6: "Confrontation"

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Kathy, Celia's and Hank's daughter, above

Celia POV

We are safe for now; at least, that's what I think.

Their Luna Hannah makes me trust her. She's a human, and from what I heard about werewolves' mating, they rarely mate with humans, and Human Luna is rather a curiosity than a daily occurrence. Her Alpha must love her very much.

At least till now, those who surround us look at us with pity, not hate, so that's good news. Kathy seems calm but stays as close to me as possible. Danny's face is empty, as if he's just accepted that nothing he does changes anything. I dare not ask about uncle David.

After we finish eating, Hannah says that we will be sleeping somewhere else. She and Hayden, I think, take us to a different place which looked like and separate apartment in this big house. Kathy is eager and happy to watch the TV, as the rest of us are sitting in silence. Soon it is too much, and Hayden invites his two sons and their little sister Rosie to sit with us. Kathy immediately takes a liking, and they spend the next two hours playing on the carpet; even Danny, after some time, gets close enough to hear at least what they are talking about.

And I? I just sit, tense as always and scared, well, maybe not that scared, at least not until HE enters the room. I jump immediately from my seat; Kathy snarls and, in a matter of seconds, is in front of me, her eyes shifting again.

He stops and looks around, surprised; neither Hannah nor Hayden move but observes us very intensively. He bends his knees so he is on Kathy's level and smiles at her.

"My name is Hank, and you are?"


"Nice to meet you, Kathy, I know it was a long day, but I won't hurt you or your mommy, I promise. I see you've made new friends. Do you like them?" he says slowly.

"Yes, they are nice, and they are like me."

"That's good. Kathy, I need to talk to your mommy alone. Will you let me?"

I flinch hearing his voice; Kathy is absolutely confused; she probably wants to trust him but is unhappy with my reaction. I take a deep breath. I'm a mother here; I should protect her, not the other way around.

"Kathy, please go back to play, ok?" I say, and HE looks at me; well, actually, everybody in the room looks at me. I gulp and limp after him to another room and try not to jump again when he closes the door.

"Would you like to sit?" he says and points towards the bed.

"No, what are going to do to us?" I ask, wrapping my arms around my waist; it helps me to calm down.

"Nothing, you all are safe here. I promise I won't let anybody hurt you or our daughter..."

"My daughter, how do you even know she's yours!"

I don't know how I got the guts to say that to him.

"My wolf recognized her scent, don't try to lie to me, Celia. I know you have every reason not to trust me, but I promise I will keep you safe."

I could swear I hear tears in his voice, but still, I know I can't bend, I can't trust, and I can't do anything to stop him from doing whatever he wants to do. I know I start shaking. How am I supposed to stay calm in the presence of this big man who can kill me any time he wants, who once hurt me, who...

"Celia," his voice makes me flinch, but he chooses to ignore my reaction" I've questioned Jeff; he told me that their orders were to bring Kathy to someone called Terry. Do you know him?"

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