21 - boardwalk

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"so this is it?" i stared down at the stained napkin on the kitchen table. "this is what we almost died over?"

"trust me, we were just as disappointed as you." Pope sighed.

"is that blood?" i inspected the dull, red-brown patches.

"do you know where the place is?" Kie asked in reply.

"Breakfast Bar. yeah, of course i do." i read the name off the napkin. "i've had to crawl out of there with my brothers."

"you were drinking that much at breakfast?" Pope raised his eyebrows.

"it's called Breakfast Bar ironically," i explained. "it opens at three in the morning and closes at 8–breakfast time."

"and i'm guessing we have to go?" Pope groaned.

"you bet," JJ grinned.

i was ready to fall into a deep hibernation, but i still managed to change into my beachwear and drive through the night to Breakfast Bar.

John B chose to sit in the back of the truck.

not the back seats with Kie and Pope.

no, the actual, open air, very back of the truck, without a seatbelt—or even a seat.

he was taking sulking to a whole new level.

"i'm tempted to brake hard and send him flying." i muttered to JJ.

he laughed softly. "that's something i'd pay to see."

"should i?" i grinned.

"Mia," Pope said. "be the bigger person."

"jeez," i raised my hands. "it was just a joke."

"Mia!" JJ grabbed the wheel, saving us from hitting a tree.

"hey!" John B banged on the glass dividing us.

i flipped him off, taking the wheel from JJ and stepping on the gas, sending John B crashing into the glass.

we made it to Breakfast Bar with no other issues.

the time was 2.40am and the bar wouldn't open for another twenty minutes.

we decided to sit on the beach which was faintly illuminated by the streetlights.

"so what are we looking for?" Kie asked.

"no idea," JJ replied. "just like the other times."

Kie rolled her eyes. "aye aye."

she jumped out of the car followed by Pope who called to John B.

i reached for the door handle but JJ grabbed my hand, causing me to turn back to him.

"what is it?" i frowned.

"i love you,"

"i love you too, Sandy."

he leaned in and kissed me softly, pulling away when Kie knocked on the window.

"we're trying to have a moment!" JJ yelled.

"get out!" Kie replied.

JJ groaned but we got out of the car and headed for the beach where the others were sat.

i dropped down off the sidewalk onto the sand and sat against the concrete wall, JJ beside me.

i leaned against his chest and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, tracing gentle circles on my skin.

i watched John B skim stones at the waters edge.

even though i couldn't see the stones bouncing on the water, i knew they were there.

i'd never seen him fuck up a skim.

Pope laid on the sand, seemingly catching a nap and Kie balanced along the edge of the boardwalk, occasionally slipping and falling an half a foot onto the ground.

"i think what you did was brave." JJ whispered in my ear.


"with that guy—Will Brixon."

"sure," i scoffed.

"it's true!" he protested. "i think it's true."

"you can think whatever you like, JJ." i grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"hey, guys." Kie called.

i looked over to see her frowning at the bar.

i stood up so i could see above the sidewalk.

a sleek black car was pulled up next to mine.

a short man got out of the passenger side and a large man got out of the driver side and pointed to my number plate.

the larger man walked laboredly towards my own car... it was more of a lumber, really.

"Lumber," i breathed.

he peered in through each of the windows, scowling when he found nobody inside.

"shit," JJ popped up next to me.

i ducked and pulled JJ down beside me as Freak turned to look at the beach.

"they must be here somewhere, Miles." he called.

Miles lumbered over and folded his arms across his broad chest. "maybe they went inside."

"it's not open yet,"

Miles checked his watch. "five minutes,"


"until it opens." silence. "check the beach."

"hey!" Kie beckoned us over.

we crawled as fast as we could over to the board walk, laying flat on our stomachs and sliding under the wooden planks.

two sets of foot steps echoed above us and i could make out the forms above our heads.

"they're around here somewhere," Freak said.

"where else would they be?" Lumber replied.

"let's just wait inside," they walked back up the boardwalk. "let them come to us."

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