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Emma's POV

"Noona can we do something on myths?" Me and Jeongin decided to be partners for our English project that's due on Thursday and we've been struggling to figure out a topic. "Hmm... sure why not. What kind of myths?" I ask and Jeongin places a finger on his chin, thinking.

"How about like creatures. For example, vampires." I tense up a little but nod my head slowly. "Uh, sure..."

Me and Jeongin started searching some info and facts until we heard a loud snarl from outside. Me and Jeongin look at each other before getting up and looking out the window to see a huge ass wolf towering over Jisung.

I speed outside and stop in-front of Jjsung and the wolf gets startled a little, but the wolf starts to get closer to me and brings his leg up, smacking me away from Jisung. The wolf begins to lunge at Jisung and I feel the shield from my body flow from me to Jisung, engulfing him in the clear mist. The wolf bangs into it, bouncing off if it. The wolf crashes into the ground with a loud yelp. It quickly scurries on to its feet and runs into the forest with a limp.

"I knew it!" I look behind me confused to see the rest of Stray Kids behind me. "Huh?" I said with fear beginning to grow inside me. "Your a vampire!"

I begin to panic, not knowing what to do. I can't even tell them that they are seeing things when the clearly just saw what happened. I back away but Jisung stops me, holding onto my arms. "It's okay Emma we already knew."

"H-how?" I say scared. They begin to circle around me. "The night you were bitten. I was there." Minho says. "So you're the one that made me like this?" I say, betrayed. "Well not really. More like one of those assholes from The Boyz. I just... how do I put this... put a little more fun behind it." Minho says with a smirk growing on his face.

"You know what Emma? The Boyz were always spoiled assholes, getting whatever the hell they want. Well Im here to take that away. I wont let them have you Emma..." Minho says, stepping closer to me.

"They will just manipulate and use you sweetheart. Just stay here and we will protect you." He continues and places a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Never." I ripped myself out of Jisung's grip, sprinting home.

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