chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning in the treehouse that I fell asleep in. I quickly checked the time and saw it was 6 am. I hurriedly jumped down and ran back to the cabin quietly. I sneaked in and went straight for the bathroom. I don't think anyone saw me but I got into the shower. I showered for a good 30 minutes and got out. I got dressed in a white, plain crop top and some short jean shorts. I walked back out of the bathroom and Ashley was awake.

" where the hell were you!?" She quietly yelled.

" I- I fell asleep outside," I sat on my bed.

" dude we were worried!" She expressed.

" Sorry," I laid down but then heard the siren. I sighed and put on my shoes. I walked out of the room and just walked straight to the mess hall. I got in line and ignored everyone. I got my food and sat down at our table. I kept my head down and after 5 minutes I heard everyone come sit down around me. I looked straight up and saw Jaden staring at me. He leaned forward and I did too.

" where the hell were you last night!?" he whisper yelled, the whole cafeteria was loud so nobody at our table heard us.

" Why the hell do you care?" I asked with attitude.

" because I do, everyone was worried sick and you didn't bother to say anything!" He snapped.

" Sorry dad, Jesus," I sighed and leaned back, I started eating my yogurt when someone grabbed it out of my hands.

" Can I have this?" Myles asked.

" Yea, go right ahead why don't ya," I slapped his knee.

" Dickhead," I sighed and looked back down at my tray.

" CAMPERS! CAMPERS! SO AS ALL OF YOU KNOW, WE HAVE OUR COLOR WAR GAME TODAY! WE DECIDED TO MOVE IT TO TODAY EVEN THOUGH IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE NEXT WEEK, WE HAVE SOMETHING MORE AMAZING PLANNED NEXT WEEK. SO EVERYONE GO GET YOUR SHIRT!!" Counselor Peyton yelled. I looked at Jaden and walked over to the table to grab a blue shirt. Jaden walked over and grabbed a red one. I walked back to the table and sat down.

" COLOR WAR STARTS IN 30 MINUTES, IT FINISHES AT MIDNIGHT, YOU GET FOUND YOU'RE OUT! YOU DON'T GET FOUND YOU WIN A FREE PASS TO GO TO TOWN WITH A COUNSELOR!" Peyton explained. I stood up and walked back to my cabin. I slipped off my shirt in front of my window, yet again failing to remember that Jaden's window was there also, I looked up and saw him shirtless. I quickly turned around and finished putting on the shirt.

" So girls, are you ready to win this shit!?" Ashley exclaimed.

" YEAHHHH," We all yelled. We all gave high fives and ran out of the cabin. We all ran toward the trees and hid there. I stood by Ashley. The campers hide and counselors find.

Ashley and I were laying down under a tree/bush thing when we saw flashlights and heard Counselor Abby's voice. I covered Ashley and I's mouths and stopped breathing. I heard the voices fade so it was okay to stand up and move spots. But I was wrong.

" GOTCHA!" She yelled.

" FUCK!" Ash yelled.

" language! Mess hall now!" Abby laughed. Ashley and I fought on the way to the mess hall about whose fault it was. when we got there I opened the big door to see Jaden and Myles.

" how in the hell," I sighed.

" Hey! Uh- Myles, you wanna, go, to uh the- the" Ashley rambled.

" pet exhibit!" Myles finished her sentence

" YES! Pet exhibit, with snakes and.." She agreed.

" Birds!" he finished her sentence again and they walked out leaving Jaden and me by ourselves.

" hi," he spoke.

" I don't really want to talk to you," I scoffed.

" Please?" He asked.

" fine, just one thing," I said walking to the fridge and grabbing a milk, I quietly opened it and walked over to Jaden.

" what," he sassed. I poured the milk all over his head. He shook his hair and smirked. The next thing I know he took the milk and splashed it all over me. I laughed and ran out of the mess hall, Jaden chased after me. I ran toward the lake and he stopped chasing me.

(start song now)

" well that was fun," He laughed.

" don't act like everything is fine," I scoffed turning back toward the lake.

" I'm sorry," He grabbed my wrist and stopped me at the dock.

" for what now Jaden?" I asked taking off my clothes so I was in my bra and underwear.

" for-" he started but I jumped in the water.

" will you just listen to me!?" He yelled as I came up from the water.

" fine! just help me out," I said holding up my hand, he sighed and held out his hand, I gripped his hand and yanked him into the water, I started laughing and he came up from the water.

" you're an ass," He scoffed. He took his shirt off, wrung it out, and then threw it on the dock. We were sitting there floating and I just looked at him. He swam closer and grabbed my hips. I grazed my hands across his abs and he looked me in the eyes.

" I want to be more than friends," he whispered. He pulled me into a kiss and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he basically picked me up and I deepened the kiss. He started breathing heavily and kissed down my neck. My hands went around his neck and I held my shoulders. He pulled away.

" Sage," He said seriously.

" hm?" I hummed.

" You're my girlfriend, you don't fucking have a choice," He laughed and started kissing me again.


So basically, I just made out with Jaden Walton, in a lake, at a camp, and I am now his girlfriend. Which, don't get me wrong I'm happy. That is all I've been waiting to hear for a year. We were walking back to the cabins, all wet and gross.

" so," he spoke.

" so," I smiled as we stopped at the front of my cabin.

" I had fun," he smiled. That smile. I missed that smile.

" me too, but I'm cold, so goodnight," I smiled and slightly laughed. I backed up into my cabin and shut the door behind me. Ashley was sitting on her bed.

" tell me all about it!" She jumped up.

" AHHH STOP I STILL HAVE BUTTERFLIES," I laughed and squealed.

" Ok, so first, I got into the water, basically naked. I asked him to help me out and I yanked him in. Next thing I know we are making out, mind you VERY INTENSELY, and you wanna know what he said!" I expressed many different emotions.

" What?" She smiled.

" He said " You're my girlfriend, you don't fucking have a choice" LIKE HOLY SHIT!" I quoted Jaden.

" That's hot," She laughed.

" I know!" I laughed and stood up to shower.


A/N: HOLY SHIT. anyways, the kiss scene and song are basically the kiss scene between Jeremiah and belly in the pool if you have seen TSITP. if not then here is the clip! If it doesn't go straight there scroll to 1:55 seconds!

WC: 1224

Camp Crystal ~ Jaden Walton Where stories live. Discover now