Beers and pizza 🌶

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"What did you get for number 5?"Tom asked turning around

"Hmm I got Japan!"I replied as we were in geography

"Me too!"James said next to me

"You guys talking about number 5?"lucy said and we nodded

"Ok well what did you guys get?"she asked looking us with a weird look

"Japan!"James said from next to me and she smiled then turned around in a bit of a huff and I shrugged to Tom before he turned around too

"So you got your date with Side guy tomorrow?"I asked James and he nodded

"Yea we're ice skating!"he replied

"But it's February?"I added and heard Tom laugh slightly

"Yea so? It's romantic?"James definitely

"Yea but your arses will be Numb...unless that was the plan all along?"I joked and Tom snorted in front of us making me laugh but James slapped me

"I'd that a yes then?"I asked but James just smirked

"You dirty bastard!"I replied with a smirk going back to my work as there was only 20 minutes left of the lesson

"Right guys that's the lesson over! Finish the work for homework and bring it in next lesson!"the teacher said

"I'm going out tonight!"Tom said as we all packed up

"Nice!"I replied as I threw my bag on my shoulder

"Have fun!"I said with a wink and smirk with a laugh as I walked out and James walked behind me

"What you doing later?"he asked

"Hmm I'll probably meet my friend!"I said and he smiled

"Ooo fun!"he replied as we laughed

"Right Let me know how the date goes!"I said and James nodded agreeing with me as we split up

"You left your AirPods!"Someone said behind me and turned to see Tom

"Ahh and I thought I had a smooth exit!"I joked and he laughed

"Thanks for not stealing them!"I added

"I wouldn't dare!"he replied

"Right have fun tonight! Let me know how it goes?"I joked

"Really?"he asked

"No! I was kidding!"I said now realising I made it awkward and he smiled before I said bye and left to meet my friend

"Hola!"Jess said as I sat down opposite her

"Why am I am awkward fuck!"I said

"Well it's good for me because if you weren't I would have 0 friends!"she replied making me laugh

"We still on for tonight?"she asked standing up as she had class

"Beers at the beach!"I said and she nodded then walked off so I pulled my laptop out and began working for a couple hours


I heard a knock on the door and jogged over to open it to see Haz

"You said you'd be ready by 9!"he exclaimed passing me a beer

"It's only 5 past!"I defended

"Apology excepted!"he said with a smirk opening his beer as I put on my shirt and finished getting ready while we finished our drinks then headed out

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