Camping 🌶

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"I fucking hate this!"I groaned dragging myself up this hill, a tent under my arm, yes a tent. A bag of clothes and shite on my back too.

"We're nearly there!"someone from the front shouted

"Have you got that pool of sweat on your back yet?"my best friend Meredith asked me and I nodded laughing while we trudged the rest of the way up the hill until 20 minutes later we were all putting up our tents,
We were on a hill and there was a mini area covered with trees that had a dip in which is where we put our tents so they weren't visible.
Meredith, Molly and I were all sharing so we didn't have much to do as we split tasks so as soon as we finished we joined Dennis and max who had also finished In opening a couple beers

With everyone sitting around I counted about 12 of us so not too many but not a small amount either until that was...

"Oi oi !"turning my head I saw Tom, my heart clenched as he set up his tent then made his way to the group, my eyes firmly on the ground.
I didn't think he'd show up,
"Didn't think he'd show up!"Meredith said shadowing my thoughts
He was one of my closest friends through high school and I his only friend but after we left and lost contact I got the impression he was only friends with me because I was the only one at our school that gave him the time of day, which my self esteem took a hit too.

But the night carried on with only 3 more people showing up together then another 2 even later as everyone drank or smoked and talked their groups


Y/n, my y/n, Archie walked up to her and Meredith who were sitting on the grass near everyone beers in their hands.
He sat down next to Meredith and they began talking for a minute, everyone knew he had a crush on Meredith and she does too AND they both know it so I don't really understand why they aren't together.

My eyes flicked over the 15 other people with us, it's dark now so people are sitting down or talking some paired off others in groups like myself- however from the corner of my eye I saw y/n stand up and excuse herself for what I presumed was a painful third wheeling, but my eyes followed her seeing her disappear down the hill slightly and around the trees out of sight.
I slipped away from the group I was hovering with- hovering specifically as I have not been in their conversation just the awkward laugh like I knew what they were talking about only there because Haz my best mate wanted to give him "an update from those twats"
I clearly wasn't very popular in high school except with y/n who I saw sitting down knees pulled to her chest the beer still in her hand as she looked ahead at the city lights and sea

I placed myself closely next to her because she must be freezing just in a tiny skort and long sleeve top considering the sun set over two hours ago,
I haven't spoken to her in a year, that's not to say I haven't thought of her because god Jesus I had, so I didn't really know what to say but she broke the silence as I stared at the side profile lit by the moonlight


"You know my favourite thing you ever did?"I said, not daring to look at him, sort of surprised he joined me here, then again in all 5 years of high school the friend thing wasn't really for him.
He didn't reply so I kept going,

"I had just had a breakdown after our maths exam in the toilet, and Sophie and myself were walking back to the field with everyone else, when you came jogging all the way across the field to meet me with a smile that only faltered for a second when you saw my puffy eyes. But you didn't say a thing just made it your mission to make me laugh-"I said a bittersweet smile on my face because Fuck I missed him

"Once we were in PE and we both know I'm dog shit at sport, everyone was sat lined up across the benches as we waited for what we were doing when the teacher asked to pair up we were talking as he said this and everyone started talking choosing a partner but you stood up like some of the others and shouted 'I'm with y/n!' So proud, but someone said something or made a comment so you pretended you didn't say it and paired up with someone else instead..."I stated still not looking at him but felt his eyes burning holes in the side of my head so decided to bite the bullet and look at him,
I'd never seen that look before from him, lost for words or I don't know it was dark, hard to tell but he was close,closer than expected, really quite close actually causing my eyes to flick to his mouth,

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