Brownies fix all problems 🌶️

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Kissing my head Tom rolled out of bed at an ungodly hour heading into the shower, the urge to join him was striding but the urge to not move and go back to sleep was stronger so I went with the latter,

He'd been back at the gym recently for a role starting in a couple months Meaning he'd been up early and done a whole day before I'd even woken up.
He did drag me with him once and by that I mean he dragged me into the shower with him and I had nothing else to do expect go with him, but I quickly gave up and just went on a LONG walk on the treadmill while ogling him.
The second time he dragged me there I actually wanted to go and started working out but to quote his Trainer it was 'too distracting' for him.

I heard the shower shut off and a new minutes of silence where I pried my eyes open to see Tom walking out in just his gym shorts a tired smile over my mouth and he groaned as I opened my arms so he climbed onto the bed and lay his head on my chest,

"I don't wanna go."he groaned as I wrapped my legs around his waist

"Stay here."I replied and felt him kiss my chest once

"Tony wouldn't be happy."He replied and I laughed

"Tony hates me anyway."Tony being his Trainer for reasons stated above

"That's not true."he replied pulling away to look into my eyes as I ran my fingers through his hair with a raised eyebrow

"He just doesn't like that I like you."he replied and I laughed

"Wow downgraded to like? Want the ring back too?"I joked, my engagement ring that has found a home on my finger for a month now

"Take that off and I'll kill you, then myself."he replied then kissed me

"And they say romance is dead."I joked kissing him back with a laugh

"You make leaving very difficult."he mumbled into it before pushing his tongue into my mouth

"So don't."I replied and he groaned kissing me once before pushing away to leave but my legs were tightly around him

"Y/n."He said firmly so I copied his smoulder

"Tom."I said also in a serious tone and watched as pushed himself up pulling me up with him,

"You coming with me today then?"he mumbled then wrapped his arm around me grabbing my ass with a squeeze and pulling me up

"You're not even wearing underwear?"he commented and I shrugged

"I'm not the one who took it off."I replied and he groaned placing me on the kitchen counter then kissing me deeply a groan coming from him as his hand slid up my back ignoring the shirt

" is this mine?"he groaned already knowing the answer before grabbing the material and starting to pull it up so I pushed him away

"Nu-uh you gotta go."i mumbled and he grabbed my bum pulling me closer with a groan of frustration

"Fuck sake."he groaned then stomped off to get a shirt and I made a tea for myself only to soon feel his arms around me turning me around to face him

"Bye, love you!"he mumbled pressing a kiss on my lips then walking off

"Bye, love you loser!"I shouted and he laughed

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