You again? (🌶️ish)

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I sat down on the step next to the handrail not noticing the guy leaning against the wall next to me with a cigarette between his lips,

"You ok?"He asked and I nodded looking him up and down, more than once

"Yep, just needed air."I replied, more like space, space from people

"You?"I added, I don't know why he didn't seem like he wanted conversation just to check he wasn't going to witness a death

"Don't worry, you're not gonna witness me dying of a drug overdose or anything."I added and he smiled, a smile that took over his face and was impossible not to smile back at,

He stumped out his cigarette then came and sat down next to me as he spoke,

"I didn't think that, although now I do."he joked and I smiled and shoved him with my body

"Nice suit."I complimented, it looked too nice to be sat outside of a Bar on a step, don't get me wrong the Bar is gorgeous just full of drunk people

"Oh er thanks." He said blushing and looked away and I couldn't help the smile from me as I watched him.

The door behind us opened and I rolled my eyes from the interruption and I'm pretty sure he did too when my friends came stumbling out laughing,

"Y/n let's go!"Mindy shouted and I dropped my head,

"There goes my secret identity."I joked and he laughed softly

"And do you have a name?"I asked looking into his eyes, a deep chocolate brown that matched my own,

"You look really pretty."he said and my stupid heart blushed so I smiled and and blushed while standing up

"I gotta go."I whispered before turning to leave which sucks because I will never see that god of a man again

"Who's the guy?"Mindy asked once I caught up to her

"No idea."I replied with a smirk as she laughed linking her arm with mine


She just walked in and looked at me, like she doesn't know I haven't been able to think of anything else for the past month,

She's got knee high boots on this time and a little black dress that accents her body in a way that screams mine.
Haz had dragged me to a friends party or whatever this is at a bar style place downtown but all I'm now thinking of of her.
Her head turned as she caught me staring then walked over my heart pounding slightly

"Long time no see."she said as I gulped as she looked me up and down

"I assume you're the girl who he disappeared with."Haz announced appearing and throwing an arm over my shoulder

"I don't know how regularly he disappears with girls to answer that." Y/n replied with a smirk

"I can see why, he doesn't get with people-"I shoved him at this point to get him to shut the fuck up

"Right- you're the one who gets around then?"she asked him raising an eyebrow and he smirked at her

"That's not a compliment by the way."she added and I snorted as he glared at her

"You two are perfect for each other because you're both horrible people."he joked walking away and she looked to me

"Don't get with people huh?."she joked and I chuckled softly

"Could say the same for you."I replied and she shrugged stepping forward slightly

"I don't normally get with people."she replied and i leaped with joy in my head

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