Best friends best friend

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"Y/n!"Haz said out of breath taking his seat next to me

"I had sex last night!"he added

"Ooo who with? Was it Gemma you've been trying to sleep with her for months!"I replied looking at him now intrigued

"No, I had sex with a dude!"he cautiously replied and my eyes winded slightly

"Wow I did not see that coming!"I replied and he looked at me kinda nervous I think

"So?"he asked and I looked at him

"Was it good?"I replied and he nodded biting his nail

"How did it happen? I didn't know you were into guys?"I added kinda excited for him

"Neither did I! And I don't know he kinda just made a move and I thought why not!"he replied and I nodded

"But you liked it right?"I asked making sure he's like ok because he seemed freaked out

"Yea, I kinda really did! Your not mad right?"he asked and I buried my eyebrows

"Why would I be mad?"I asked genuinely confused

"Because I slept with a guy"he added

"I don't see how those two things are linked!"I replied

"Haz! I don't care who you put you dick into, or what they put into you! I love you man! Gay, straight, bi, etc."I replied and he laughed then nodded

"Ok good!"he added with a sigh of relief

"Did you really think I'd be mad?"I asked kinda sad he thought I'd care

"No, but talking to you is like talking to a variant of myself! So I don't know, your just confirming my thoughts!"he replied and I nodded as it made complete sense weirdly enough.
After a while I gasped and he looked at me,

"Oh my god!"I said

"What?"he asked

"It wasn't Tom was it?"I replied with a smirk and he hit my arm

"No! He IS straight, and not my type!"Haz replied

"Oh my god, you have a type! This is so cool!! Who?"I asked with a genuine smile on my face

"Well the guy last night was like the same night as me and he was broader then me, just genuinely bigger than me...not like that, Anyway he had brown hair and blue eyes-"he replied as I stared at my best friend with so much happiness, he's never looked so happy and I couldn't be prouder

"You've literally just stolen my type!"I replied pretending to be mad and he laughed

"Told you we think the same!"he said with a cocky smirk and i playfully rolled my eyes.

"Hey Haz!"Tom said walking over to us and I smiled at him then looked to Haz who was staring at me,
Well telling me through his eyes don't say a fucking word!
And I wouldn't so I moved my gaze onto Tom who was exactly Haz' type but then again I'm exactly his type for girls and he never got with me.
Tom was so nice and from what Haz' told me really funny but he's always been kind of shy around me or awkward I don't know, but To quote Haz  that's just Tom

"Anyway bye mate!"Haz said hugging me standing up

"Bye dude, catch ya later!"I replied as he then walked off with Tom and I put my headphones in and began working for the next couple hours.
I sighed closing my laptop when my phone rang and I saw it was Haz so picked up,

"Your staying at mine tonight!"he said without a greeting

"Why?"I asked confused

"Because I'm gonna have a couple people round and I couldn't do that without you now could I?"He replied and I'm sure with a smirk

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