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As the sun peaked over the horizon three figures are outlined in the morning light. Words are spoken but none can hear over the sound of birds chirping as the fly in the sky. All that can be seen is the mound of fresh dirt pilled up as flowers lay atop.two of the figures retreat leaving only one.

"Pedro, I know this is a horrid thing to ask put I need to know if we will still be continuing our journey." Pedro looked up from where she sat, it had only been an hour since they laid Firecrackers body in the cold dark earth. Alto had yet to return from the place her child now laid. After Pedro had dug the grave she set out to find Alto's other children but what she found was a note that stated
We have taken your children as payment for you idiotic child's mistake, The Mules do not like false alarms. Enjoy your child free envetment.
Pedro knew there was no way for her to save Altos children without being captured. Alto knew it too and forbid Pedro from going after them. Alto know was an empty shell she answered questions with yes, no, and who cares. Pedro thought about Dimples question and suddenly an idea came to her.
"Dimple, we shall leave at noon gather all the food we need and pack Alto a bag. She is coming with us to the white mans land."
Dimple hurried off to go do her task. But Pedro was left with an even big problem, she now had to go talk Alto into leaving her home.Pedro walked out side and stood by the door frame. She could see that Alto was still by Firecrackers grave speaking. Pedro walked over slowly wondering what she could say.
"Alto, Dimple and I have been thinking, and we want you to join us on our journey to the free lands."
"Oh, Pedro what a thought. But you see I can not just up and leave all my children and what would become of the grape filds? No I surtinly can not leave."
"But Alto, you have no children here any more and the Mules burned the grape filds as a punishment for being related to me."
"What on earth are you talking about Pedro! My six children are right here."
Pedro was horrified to see that in a Altos hand there where six crickets. In this moment Pedro realized that Alto had cracked. Her grief and sorrow had over took her mind and made her believe that the six crickets were her children.
"I see." Pedro replied, she thought of how she could do nothing to help her sister.
"Goodbye Alto. I promised Firecracker that her death would not be in vain. When I have grown I shall return to you and see to it that all of your children are back safely in your arms."
Pedro stood up kissed Alto on the head and said goodbye to Firecracker one last time.

The life of Pedro ( My Wild Adventure in Mexico )Where stories live. Discover now