The Loco Ex.

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"Honey I'm home!" Screamed Coblieas ex.
"Ah, what's the matter honey didn't think I'd catch your cheaten ass!"
"First off I never cheated in you andI broke things if with you a year ago!"
"No, you didn't! I never get dumped! And I never will!" She then turned to Pedro and Dimple.
"Listen her you two munchkins I don't care how much he's paying you this is a matter in which only involves adults."
"Ok, well when I see an adult I'll leave." Replied Dimple.
"Why you snobby little brat! I'll show you some respect!" With this Cobliea's ex. brought down her hand and smacked Dimple across the face.
"Oh my God Britney I can't believe you just hit a child! Your out of your god damn mind!"
"Shut up Cobliea! You don't get to tell me what to do! You are no better! Selling your self for money." Cobliea looked down in shame.
Pedro had had enough she reached into her diaper and pulled out her gun.
"Alright you two live birds I have had enough of this bickering. You my fair lady have crossed the line. Not only did you have the audacity to call my friends very rude names but you laid hands on one of them! For this is an action that receives the punishment of death!"
"Hahahah......Oh that was good!"
"You have no power over me you should see how ridiculous you look right now trying to threaten me."
"And in what country does the law state that if you hit some one you get shot in return!"
Pedro smiled.
"In mine you bitch!"
Pedro then fired the gun. Never in all of her times shooting some one had she felt more alive! For it was the first time Pedro had gotten to cuss some one out with a cool catch fraise before ending their lives. It put a huge grin on her face and made her feel proud of who she was. That was until she realized that her shot had only skimmed the crazy ex.'s shoulder. Blood was every where. The women looked as if she was about to through up. She did which cased Dimple to through up, and of course it then lead to Cobliea throwing up. There was a mess every where and a horrible stench filled the air. Finally after the "Britney" composed herself she looked up at Pedro with a sneer on her face.
"You shot me!"
"Thank you for pointing out the odviouse."
"Two can play at this game."
This being said the women reached into her purse and pulled out her own gun. Pedro looked at her.
"Your bluffing you don't have the guts to shoot a child."
"Uh, Pedro sorry to interject and all but you already shot her I don't thinks its the greatest time to call her bluff."
Pedro sighed.
"Dimple can't you see I'm trying to have a moment over here! I only shot her because she hit you! Oh, and because she called Cobliea a whore."
"Ah, Pedro I'm touched that you would shoot some one for me but I think we picked the wrong crazy person to mess with." As Dimple said this she winked. Pedro realized that she was trying to get a message to her, but what the message was she had no idea.
"But, Dimple I thought you would know by now that I've always got your back."
"I do now." As she said this she tilted her head over to the left. Pedro looked over, but only moved her eyes so that Britney would not no what she was looking at. What Pedro say shocked her.
"We are all very moved by y'all's friendship.......NOT! Now move you little rug rat so I can repay the favor your friend gave to me!"
"Not today!" Cobliea shouted from behind her as he swung with all his might he brought down the piece of wood in which he held in his hand. Britney looked shocked for only a moment for in just a matter of seconds she was hit and on the ground. The only thing that could make a bad situation worse was that her gun had gone off. The words spoken next were non other than.
"I've been hit!"

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