Friend or Foe

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Pedro and Dimple continued down a dark twisting road for hours until they heard the muffled screams of the officer.Dimple looked over at Pedro.
"How are we going to interrogate him if he's bound?"
"I do believe I saw a sign a few miles back that said there was a motel coming up."
"I don't think that's wise......"
"What if he gets loud and some one reports us."
"I see your point. Okay, how about that storage shed over there."
With this said Dimple turned her head to see an old abandoned storage shed over to her left. To be honest Dimple wished it could have been any where else. The shed was creepy and looked as if it was about to fall if the wind would just blow slightly. But, seeing that there was no where else to interrogate the prisoner they had to take what they could get. To Pedro the saying that came to mind in this situation was that beggars can't be choosers. Pedro and Dimple then pulled the car into a field that was right next to the shed and got out. Pedro went to the back the car and popped the trunk. There laid Officer Cobliea bright eyed and bushed tailed. He tried saying some thing to Pedro but it was muffled do to the tap across his mouth.
"Now you look here mister all we want to do is ask you a few questions and we will let you go on your merry little way. That sound good."
"Mmmmfmfm.....mfmf." Said Cobliea back with a look of pure discust on his face
"Well I'm sorry you feel that way." Pedro replied and punched Officer Cobliea in the face knocking him out again. About an hour later Pedro and Dimple had successfully carried Officer Cobliea out of the trunk and retied him in a chair. Around this time Cobliea was gaining conciseness.
"Oh, well looks here it seems our sleeping beauty has awoken."
"Mfm mfm....mfmf!!"
"I didn't catch that could you possible say it again?"
"Mfmfmfmmf!" Cobliea replied getting read in the face it matched his hair color perfectly.
"ALRIGHTY! Calm down Dimple please go take the tape of his mouth."
With this comand Dimple walked up to officer and ripped the tape right of his face.
"OH! That hurt you little brat."
"Now that's no way to speak to a lady. But I'll let it slip for now.
"Why in the name of Christ did you kidnap me!"
"Hey, you ain't the one asking the questions here that job belongs to us."
"Why would I ever answer to some kid trying to act like there tough."
That being said Dimple slapped him right across the face.
"I don't have to act tough I am tough. No shut the hell up and lets get on with this stupid interigation."
"Dimple's right, you can either answer our questions and be on your way or we can all sit here and stare at each other."
"FINE! What do you want to know?"
"Alrighty, what's your favorite color?"
"Hahahaha! That was good! Hahah........Your joking right?"
"No, what's favorite color."
"What's this got to do with any thing?"
"That's for us to know and for you to never find out."
"Oookkk, Green."
"Really? Green?"
"Ya, what's wrong with green?"
Dimple and Pedro share a glance at each other and shrug there shoulders.
"Dimple be shure to get this all down."
"Um, Pedro I'm only 2 I don't know how to write."
"Well damn.........."
"I could write it."
"Shut up we won't fall for your mind games Cobliea."
"That's a question I have. Is Cobliea your real name?"
Cobliea flushed a deep red color and coughs as if he had chocked.
"Then why is it on your drivers licens?"
"It's just" cough "a nickname."
He sighs.
"It's my stripper name."
At this both Pedro and Dimple fall to the ground in laughter.
"Hey!!! It's not funny it's just a name!"
"Why would you go by that name."
"My ex. made me!"
"Why didn't you change it?"
"I was going to after I got ride of you toddlers."
"Oh ya shure."
"I was."
"What ever makes you sleep at night."
"Next question."
But before Pedro could speak there was a loud banging on the door. Pedro turned to Dimple to see if she too had heard the knock. Both just stood there wondering who it could be.
"Cobliea I know your in there you bastered!" The person on the other side of the door shouted.
"Open the damn door so I can shoot your ass and your side bitches!"
"Oh shit!" Cobliea said in fear. He turned to Pedro.
"Kid you got to get me out gi hear that bitch is crazy!
"Is this your so called ex?"
"YES! She's bat shit crazy! I broke things of with her a year ago and she's been stalking me ever since."
"What's in it for us if we help you?"
"Any thing! I will do any thing?"
Before Dimple could finish the door burst open.

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