The Plan

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(A/N I know that this story is kind of all over the place and for that I am sorry. I am writing this to warn you that you may get confused if you do here's what the idea if this chapter is about Pedro and Dimple are over halfway to the boarder and are having to go through a check point which Pedro and Dimple can not do since the are under age so they come up with a plan that involves Cobliea paying of his debt from a few chapters back.ENJOY!-Pedro)
..............................................................................................................................................."Damn it!" Pedro shouted
"Oh my God Pedro! Are you okay?"
"No, you God damn idiot I've just been shot!"
"Oh......sorry." Dimple replied.
", I'm sorry I need to stop being an ass."
"Well this is touching, but I believe it is my time to go......"
"Hold it right there! Just because I got shot does not mean that our deal is off! I got shot in the left arm but my right shoots just fine!"
"OKAY! I was joking chill!"
Pedro took a deep breath and looked down at her arm. It looked as if it was just a flesh wound. Which was good. Less chance of an infection...........All Pedro needed was some bleach. She looked up at Cobliea.
"Alrighty let's talk about our side of the agreement."
"Your still on that! You didn't even help me get out you just stood there and talked to her until she pulled a gun."
"But with out me you would not have had enough time to get free."
Pedro replied back with hands on her hips............or rather just her right while her other just laid limply by her side.
"Okay, what did you have in mind?"
"This is stupid! I look rediculouse!" Cobliea complained. Pedro's plan was simpe all Cobliea had to do was dress up as a women to distract the guards long enough for her and Dimple to open the gate. Piece of cake right........
"Oh shut up." Dimple replied with an eye roll.
"Cobliea listen we need to get to across this check point in order for us make it to the boarder. So if you mess this up......let's just say I might possible kill you.....possible you've kind of grown on me. Especially since you helped me clean my wound with only some bleach. Oh, and for giving Dimple CPR after she passed out from the sight of my blood.But bare my words in mind if you mess this up I might kill you." Pedro said in a matter of fact voice that two year olds have.
"Oh, thank you ever so much for those word of wisdom Pedro for once I am deeply inspired to not mess this up knowing my life is on the line." Cobliea replied wiping away fake tears.
"Watch your voice pretty boy. With the profession you have you don't need any thing messing up that mug you call a face." Dimple said with some sass.
"Yes ma'am." He replied with a mock salute.
"Alright you two enough talking lets get this show on the road. Your up Cobliea." Pedro said nodding her head.With that Cobliea strut his way up to the two guards standing watch.
"Hey there fellas. What's a girl got to do around her to get some T.L.C you know what I mean." Cobliea said winking to the fatter guard on duty. The guards just looked at each other. the shorter one replied,
"Um.....well I don't really know why your her miss....I think your a miss........" The fatter one interrupted.
"What my friend meant to say was he didn't know why a fine piece of ass like your would be talking to us on a cold night like this."
"Oh! Know you stop it right there mister! I do believe you just complemented my ass and if I do say so my self I am extremely turned on!"
Dimple couldn't take it any more she started laughing.
"What was that!?" The short guard asked jumping from his post.
"Shit!" Dimple whisper yelled.
"What do I do Pedro!"
"Go out there and make it work! I almost got the door unlocked."
"Okay, I'll go. Oh, and Pedro the windows open just thought that you should know."
Pedro looked up form were she sat trying to pick the lock to the stand points back door and indeed saw that the window was wide open.
"Yeah, I total knew that......I was just....uhuhuh.. testing your keen eye sight. Yeah! That's what I was doing!" Pedro replied her face burning red.
"Shure what ever helps you sleep at night Pedro."
"I still have a gun!"
Dimple put her hands up in surrender and walked out to were the guards and Cobliea stood talking.After she left Pedro hosted herself up to the window and crawled in she pushed a side half eaten dounuts and papers. Until something caught her eye. It was a news paper with the headline reading,
Reward $10,000 for the child they call Pedro. It appears that today in Mexico we have a new celebrity that has caught the attention from the horrific gang 'The Mules' for they have put up this hefty award for her to be brought to their head courters alive! I don't know what it is that is so special about the child but what ever the risk she must be found.
The report was right what was so special about Pedro that The Mules wanted her so badly she thought. Her thoughts were cut snort when she heard Cobliea using the signal that meant it was time go. Pedro hit the button that would open the gate an alarm blared and Pedro could hear the guarded cussing. Pedro acted quick jumped right out window she came in through.
"RUN!" Pedro screamed and took off. It was every man for them self now.
A/N the video is dedicated to Cobliea strutting her....I mean his stuff for the plan. You go Glin Co Co

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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