🎭66: Free Dinner

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"Ace Min did have a record in his high school years

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"Ace Min did have a record in his high school years. I spoke to Triche and asked about the picture of Kane and Geo Jung in a restaurant. She said she got that photo from Ace's room. There's also another bundle of pictures in her possession, claiming it was all taken by Ace Min," Lloyd explained. "There's a chance he knew about Kit and Kane and could be the one who met with the manager."

"Why would he meet with the manager, though?" Fin suddenly raised. "You said it was something that came out naturally from his mouth. I don't think saying that Kane was dating two men was his purpose."

"Let's say Ace is that man we're speaking of. He stalked Kane for years until the day she died. Can we assume he had feelings for her?" Lloyd looked at Swan and Fin in front of him. Fin scoffed while Swan kept a blank expression. Something was awkward about it, making Lloyd clear his throat and continue. "Okay. Let's say he did. Ace met with the manager to know his knowledge about the case. That's suspicious enough."

"The manager got fired after the issue died down. But only the manager and employees know that. Ace must've assumed the manager resigned out of fear...because he knew something." Swan implied. "If we assume that he had feelings for Kane, he did it to find the killer. If he didn't have feelings for her and just stalked her because he was obsessed, then it's a different argument."

"How so?" Lloyd asks.

"If Ace had feelings for Kane, he would do everything to find the culprit. Maybe for revenge, or he simply wants justice. But if he's an obsessed stalker..." Fin sighed before continuing. "Obsession can lead to worse events. If he's obsessed with Kane, asking the manager what he knows about the case is like making sure there are no loose ends." Swan snaps her finger at Fin's explanation. "He could be the one we're after."

"Are you saying all we need to do is figure out if Ace Min had feelings for Kane or not to know if he's the one who killed her? That's not something we could find evidence of. We need to talk to him to confirm that. I can't talk to that guy. The last time I did, he said he was pleading the Fifth. He won't spill shit."  

"Then let's look at other motives--justice or revenge," Swan suggested as she sipped from her juice box. "Since we're not seeing any signs of justice now, let's talk about the revenge. Were there any life-threatening incidents lately?"

"Winnie was recently strangled. Someone also sent her a disgusting package before. France also received a package filled with cockroaches, and Mirae and Kit got chased a few days ago. They're everything I can recall." Lloyd furrowed his brows, getting a grasp of it. "Are you saying it's one of them?"

"Of course, we should figure out if they have motives first. We know how Kit, Winnie, and France are related to Kane. But if Ace turns out to be an obsessed stalker, we would have to go to such lengths to find evidence against him. We would also be up against the most powerful man in the building. Imagine the chaos when his son turns out to be a murderer." Swan leaned on her chair and took another sip from her drink. "That would be fun."

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