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     JADE DIDN'T EXPECT TO see her family owl, Wren, at Sunday morning's breakfast, and she definitely didn't expect him to drop a letter in her lap.

     The shiny Rosier crest was embossed on the wax seal, and the letter was addressed to 'Jade Lucille Rosier.' Her mother's perfect cursive stood out to her, and she froze.

     Eugenia Rosier plagued her dreams, but that was not enough for her. No, she had to write her a letter. That's all it took to instil fear in Jade.

     Her friends seemed to notice the change in her demeanour, watching her clutch onto the envelope tightly. She appeared to have her gaze fixed on the envelope and didn't notice when her friends had said her name.

     Hermione, sensing Jade's unease, reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Jade flinched, startled at the physical contact, a reaction born from a mixture of anxiety and fear. Hermione withdrew her hand, concern etched across her face.

     "Jade, we've been trying to get your attention," Hermione spoke gently, her eyes probing for an explanation.

     Jade looked up at Hermione and then at her friends, who all were staring at her.

     "Are you—?" Neville began to ask her before Jade stood up abruptly, interrupting him.

     "I have to go, see you all later," Jade said, walking away before any of them could object or stop her.

     As she made her way out, the eyes of curious onlookers followed her, but Jade paid little mind to their whispers and glances. Her singular focus was on the unknown contents of the letter that seemed to cast a growing shadow over her.

     Meanwhile, Draco watched as the dark-haired girl ran out of the Great Hall and looked over at her friends, who all looked worried at her departure. A cruel smile appeared on his face, satisfied that she was upset.

     There was no way in hell Jade was going to read that letter in front of the entire Great Hall without having a minor breakdown.

     She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to read it. But she also knew she had to. Her parents charmed their letters so they could know whether Jade read them or not. If not, she'd receive a bright red Howler filled with the shrill voice of her mother.

     And Jade knew she'd much rather prefer reading her mother's handwriting than hearing her voice.

     Avoid. That's all she could do. She'd put off reading the letter as long as she could.

     Jade was in no state to be around others. She hurried back to Gryffindor Tower and climbed into her bed once she was back in her room.

     Luckily, the rest of her roommates were gone, so none of them could question why Jade had pulled the curtains of her four-poster bed shut and had pulled her covers over her.


     That's what she'll do.

     Jade tossed and turned, frustrated she couldn't fall asleep.

     She lay on her back staring at the ceiling of her bed until she remembered she had packed a Calming draught she practised making over the summer.

     Fuck whatever Draco Malfoy thought, Jade was a great Potions maker.

     Rummaging through her trunk, she found the vial and uncorked it. The potion, a liquid balm for her troubled soul, flowed down her throat.

     Her anxiousness and panic faded and were replaced by an overwhelming sense of peace. The tension in her shoulders eased, and tranquillity washed over her like a soothing wave.

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