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     JADE REGRETTED THE CREATION of Slug Club because it meant she had to spend a few odious hours at Slughorn's dinner party listening to his boasts.

      She had skipped the first one because of Quidditch practice, but there was no way out of this one. At least Hermione was going to endure it with her.

     Jade was applying her lipgloss on her bed when Hermione asked, "How do I look?"

     "Lovely, my darling," Jade winked at her.

     "You flatter me," Hermione rolled her eyes while picking up her purse, "are you ready?"

     "Just about," Jade said, glancing in the mirror one last time to ensure her makeup was flawless. She was wearing a black dress that was the perfect length to avoid giving Slughorn a heart attack and the dress had beautiful bell sleeves that draped her arms elegantly.

     "Gosh, Jade, you look gorgeous!" Hermione gushed as Jade stood and slipped on her heels.

     "Now who's flattering who?" Jade laughed.

     The girls walked down the staircase and entered the common room. Harry was sitting on the couch reading his controversial Potions book copy that Hermione was growing to hate.

     "Are you not coming?" Jade asked Harry as they walked over to the portrait hole.

     "I've got a meeting with Dumbledore." He replied, taking his eyes off his book.

     "You're going to have to attend one of these meetings someday," Hermione told him.

     "And that won't be today. Try not to have too much fun without me," Harry said sarcastically.

     Jade gave him the finger and turned around to get through the portrait hole with Hermione following her.

     "The last dinner was tiring, but hopefully, this one's not as bad," Hermione hoped as the girls walked down the staircase to the sixth-floor corridor.

     "Not bloody likely," Jade whispered as they faced Slughorn's door.

     She twisted the door open to find Slughorn already laughing heartily at something stupid and other faces seated around him.

     "Ah Miss Granger and Miss Rosier! Come, come! We were just about to begin," Slughorn greeted them when he saw them enter the room. Everyone turned their eyes to them at Slughorn's comment.

     Jade looked at the two remaining seats that were conveniently next to each other. However, one side had Cormac McLaggen, and the other had Blaise Zabini.

     "Sorry, Granger," Jade muttered to Hermione before taking the seat next to Blaise.

     Hermione took the last seat and looked at Jade with wide eyes when Cormac gave her a toothy grin.

     "Everyone help yourselves," Slughorn waved his hand, and an incredible amount of food appeared in the middle of the circular dinner table.

     "I'd also like you all to meet the guest of the evening, Gwenog Jones! She's a beater and the captain of the Holyhead Harpies if you didn't know already!"

     "Hello, everyone," Gwenog smiled. Of course, she was sitting right next to Slughorn. That made it rather hard to approach her, but Jade couldn't deny she wanted to talk to one of her Quidditch favourites.

     She looked around the room and noticed who else was at the table before she turned her eyes to Blaise. He was talking to Hestia Carrow, a fifth-year Slytherin, seated on his right.

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