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19:00 | June 26th 2021

"I don't understand why you didn't arrive yesterday when you were supposed to with the other camp counsellors," the man said, disappointment laced in his tone.

The man gripped the steering wheel tightly as he briefly glanced at the female in the passenger seat. Her brown hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and she paid little attention to the man wanting her attention. In the back seat were the female's bags... Well bag to be exact. A large duffel rested on the back seat filled with clothes meant to last the upcoming months.

"And you should have brought more clothes to last you the summer," The man continued to lecture her.

"It's fine," The female finally spoke up, changing the song on her playlist at the same moment, "I know what I have is enough. You don't need to worry about it."

The man didn't speak for a few minutes after that. They drove past the town sign and the female gazed out the window to the small town. There wasn't much around, just the necessities. It truly was a getaway from the city.

"Are we almost there?" The female asked impatiently.

"You seem eager to arrive," The man acknowledged.

"Well," the female's voice took a cutthroat tone, "The sooner I'm there, the sooner I can leave."

The man sighed in defeat, "It isn't that bad working for the summer. What else would you do?"

The female scowled, "There's a lot I could be doing with my time and you know it."

Brown eyes watched the man distant before asking, "What is my job for the summer anyways?"

"Science educator and part time groundskeeper," the man answered in a more assertive tone.

The female scoffed, "Part time groundskeeper? How amusing. Don't think I'm not aware of why that last role is present."

At this time, the car drove past the sign for Hackett's Quarry. The man spoke, "The counsellors and campers should be at the firepit. You can join them there."

"Thanks, but I'll pass," The female turned down the suggestion, "I'd rather just settle in for the night and reacquaint myself."

The car pulled in front of some cabins. The female recognized this place as where the counsellors would live. Usually rooming together with boys and girls separated of course. She exited the vehicle and opened the back seat to get her single bag. As she walked to the cabin door, the man said to her, "I am going to need you to surrender your cell phone."

The female snorted and her brown eyes narrowed as she coldly spoke, "You really think I'm going to do that for you?"

"I'm not asking, I'm ordering," the man's stern voice came out.

The female stood unfazed by the man's behaviour. Seeing the female wasn't going to give in, the man caved and said, "Fine. Just do not let the other counsellors see you with it."

"Whatever," the female said, "Just so you know, I'm going to charge my phone."

"Any other demands you'd like to make while we are here?"

"Just one at this moment," the female said with a smirk, "Give me a copy of the master keys."

The man pulled them out of his pocket and tossed them to her. She caught it easily as the man commented, "I knew you were going to request that. I'll let you settle into the cabins for the night, but I expect you to introduce yourself to the other counsellors before the end of the night."

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