Chapter 7

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01:15 | August 21, 2013

Hackett House - Kitchen

Alessia loathed her current position. Holding the gun, there wasn't much time to choose which werewolf to attack. She thought she would be okay killing Chris, but now that the moment was finally upon her, her body seemed to resist.

She didn't know Laura all that well except that she was infected by Max and to her knowledge hadn't infected anyone else. Max was infected by Chris and Chris was infected by Caleb. It was a chain of events.

The bloodied brunette steeled herself and aimed the gun. A tear fell down her cheek as she pressed the trigger. The werewolf she target stood in front of an unconscious Bobby.

"I'm sorry," Alessia whispered under her breath.

The decapitated werewolf's corpse dropped to the ground. Ryan rose to his feet beside her for support. Laura transformed back as the curse on her was lifted. Travis was holding the shard that was clean. He tossed it to the side.

Alessia was crossing the room towards them when she stepped on a piece of paper that had fallen along with some debris in the attic. She picked it up and read it.


[Hidden Agenda Collection Clue Found 8 - Old incantation ] - An old incantation that seems to be from a book. The corners of the pages are slightly burnt and appear to have been written by hand a long time ago.


Laura glanced back at Alessia and Ryan. She saw Alessia holding the gun that had killed Chris and her eyes softened. She remembered Alessia's declaration that Chris had to die, but doubted she would have been able to go through with it.

"Thanks..." Laura said to Travis, "For uh... Not killing me."

"Yeah... Travis said, "Likewise."

"So... What now, everyone's back to normal?" Laura asked him.

"What?" Travis replied, "Oh... You think this is over? This isn't over."

"I don't understand. Chris is dead," Ryan said.

Travis gave Alessia a long look and Alessia gave the bad news, "Chris wasn't the first."

"That's not possible," Laura shook her head in denial.

"Caleb," Travis informed her, "Kaylee- the girl you killed - her brother."


Travis let out a defeated sigh, "Caleb bit Chris and Kaylee... Chris was trying to protect them... He was a good man, my brother and Alessia's father."

"But then... Who bit Caleb?" Laura asked.

"Silas," Travis said and Alessia flinched, "Been tracking him for years... He's... A gypsy, a transient... He'd been gone from the area, but we hoped he'd come back so we could end this. Anyway, there's sightings up and down the coast... A feral albino child... A giant white wolf..."

He gestured to Alessia, "Your friend here, she used to be close to him. We thought that if she returned, she would be able to draw him out."

"White wolf?" Ryan said.

"What... What did you say? Where! Where did you see it?" Travis got excited for a moment.

"Hey, let him go!" Laura shouted as Travis shook Ryan's body.

"Where!" Travis demanded.

"Okay..." Travis calmed down, "Okay... Okay... Okay it makes sense. It all makes sense. He must have been back for months and he's what ran you off the road 2 months ago. When Alessia came back, he must have been lurking closer to the campgrounds."

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