Chapter 6

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01:15 | August 21, 2021

Hackett House - Old bedroom

When Alessia woke up, she found herself lying on her old bed. Her childhood room hadn't changed much since she left it.

"You're awake," a deep voice greeted her.

Alessia's brown eyes met a familiar set of brown eyes that were a shade darker than her own. They belonged to a man who sat on the chair beside her bed. He wore a police uniform and his name was on the badge.

"I didn't think I'd see you again," Alessia said with a cold smile, "Travis."

"It's been a while, Alessia," her adoptive uncle said back to her, "What are you doing sneaking about the house?"

"I'm trying to find Chris," Alessia told him honestly, "He's here isn't he?"

Travis hardened his gaze, "Why do you want to know?"

"He lied to me and hurt my friends," Alessia said, void of emotion, "To save them, you know what needs to be done."

"What about family?" Travis inquired, "Don't we matter to you?"

Alessia snorted, "Still care for me? I thought that you all casted me as a traitor for running away in the aftermath of the tragedy."

"You shouldn't have ran," Travis scolded her, "Family is always there for each other."

"Chris knew where I was," Alessia shrugged him off, "Besides if I stayed, chances are, I would have been infected too. Where would the good be in that?"

"If we work together we can save everyone," Travis changed the subject, "And you know it."

Alessia was silent for a moment silently debating whether or not to respond sympathetically or selfishly. Choosing the latter, "Your plan does interfere with my own. Currently, the only way to get what I want is through Chris' death. Remember, I'm not a Hackett and family means little to me considering my past."

"I see you need more time to think," Travis said, "I'll leave you here to think. I won't tell Constance, Bobby or Jedidiah about you being here."

Alessia nodded her head. Her relation with the three named Hacketts were more strained than the relation with Travis, Chris and his kids. Constance and Jedidiah were less welcoming of Alessia when Chris brought her into the family. They believed it was a reckless decision. Over time, they warmed up to her, but there was always that strife.

"Your little friends are causing trouble and we've already caught one of them," Travis revealed to her, "If they keep doing this, we'll have no other choice but to dispose of them permanently."

"Travis..." Alessia ran to the door, but was unsuccessful when he shut the door.

Alessia pounded the door, "Let me out of here!"

The door was locked and Alessia kicked the door frustrated. She looked around her room for anything to break out.


[Hidden Agenda Clue Found 7 - Journal Page] - An old journal page dated back to 2015.

Dear journal, 

I still can't believe that I met him. He may seem rough on the outside, I know he is just as innocent as me. We got along despite the bars separating us. He's a really cool friend and hasn't hurt me.

The Harum Scarum freakshow just arrived two weeks ago, but Dad (Still weird to write that) hasn't taken us there. I really wanted to see it. After sneaking away when they first came, I've been trespassing every few nights to hang out with him. Last time I was there, I was caught by the lady. Ever since, I've been locked in my room for the night. That won't stop me. Don't tell anyone, but I've managed to chart out a path to sneak out of my room at night to keep seeing him. I think the lady knows, but hasn't called my dad yet. Oh well, the risk is worth it. What is the worst that can happen?

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