Chapter 8

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04:15 | August 23

Route 919

Travis drove the police car with Laura in the passenger seat. Ryan and Alessia were sitting in the back tense. It was slightly awkward given all that had taken place to the four of them. In between them was the shotgun.

"So what exactly happened six years ago?" Laura asked.

"There was a fire that wiped out dozens of people and now there's werewolves and a ghost that roams the woods looking for her lost baby boy-" Ryan told her.

Alessia didn't say anything as she thought of the tragedy. After waking up back in the Hackett house, she made the decision to leave Hackett's Quarry. Scarred that she played a role in the loss of so many lives, she wanted to get away from it all.

"Which I've just put together, is Silas. Oh shit," Ryan glanced at Alessia and Travis.

"It's a long story," Travis told him.

"No it's not," Laura disagreed, "There was a fire. 'Silas the Wolf Boy' escaped. Bit a bunch of your family. You failed to stop him."

"Burn," Ryan said in the back seat.

"What happened in the past doesn't matter right now," Travis tried to end the conversation.

"Uh," Laura said, "It kind of does actually. We need to know what we're up against at least."

"What we're up against is a feral boy turned werewolf who, for the last 6 years has avoided being found," Travis said, "No matter what we did. Every full moon we were out there looking. Every single one. For the past year, I've been trying to track down Alessia since finding out that she often snuck out of the house to see him. And now this son of a bitch is finally here. So what we're up against is my only chance to end this thing for good. However, instead, I am placing my trust in Alessia and her supernatural cure."

"Hey," Alessia poked him from the backseat, "If werewolves are real, who's to say that my incantation won't work. What this night has show us is that the boundary between reality and fantasy are blurry and anything can happen."

"So, how do you even know where he is? How the hell are we gonna find him just driving down the middle of the road-" Laura was abruptly cut off.

The car violently shook from side to side as Silas jumped onto the roof. In her blurry vision, Alessia saw Laura steady the car and looked to her left to see Travis' head bowed slightly. He was out of it too. Travis recovered and Laura gritted her teeth, "He's on the roof! I can't reach the gun."

"Forget that, just get down," Travis said, strained.

Laura took cover as Travis slammed on the emergency break. Silas flew forward and crashed onto the road.

"GO!" Laura ordered.

The car ran Silas over and everyone held their breath. Was it over?

"Where did he go?" Laura looked behind her, "He can't have just disappeared."

"He's got to be nearby..." Travis says, getting out of the car, "Let's look around."

"Are you crazy?" Laura said to him.

Everyone exited the vehicle and Alessia walked up to Travis, "Over here. Got some blood. leads through here."

"What the hell happened back here?" Ryan wondered.

"This is-This is where we went off the road two months ago..." Laura recalled, having flashbacks of their first encounter.

"You're trying to decide if you should shoot me in the head right now," Travis turned to her, "Go ahead... That's what you want, I won't stop you."

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