Bonus Content: Hidden Agenda Collection

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Hey everyone,

This bonus is just a little featurette regarding the clues for the "Hidden Agenda Collection", a collection of clues that I made up for this story. 


Clue 1: Calendar

Location: Hackett Quarry Summer Camp Lodge - Chris Hackett's Office

Found by: Dylan

Description: A calendar on the desk for the month of August. There appears to be a marking on August 22 that there will be a full moon.

Significance: Indicates that there will be a full moon and on that night, She knows Silas may make another appearance.


Clue 2: Animal Behaviour Book

Location: Radio Station

Found by: Dylan

Description: A book used to teach readers about the behaviour of various animals. The corner of a page appears to bookmark the section about wolves.

Significance: Alessia is trying to figure out what Silas had done to her and why he had done it. (He was protecting her from werewolf Chris and other werewolves). When infected people are close to turning, they are hesitant when encountering Alessia as they can sense Silas on her.


Clue 3: Claw Marks in Tree

Location: Hackett woods

Found by: Emma/Jacob

Description: Fresh Claw marks from an animal. A name appears to be etched into it reading, A...s.....lli..n

Significance: Etched by Silas and shows he is looking for her to break the curse. 


Clue 4: Postcard

Location: Radio Station

Found by: Ryan

Description A postcard addressed to Alessia from Kaylee

June 25

Hey Allie,

Dad just told me that you're coming back to work this summer at the camp. That is so exciting! Caleb and I can't wait to see you. A lot has happened in six years and it would be cool to catch up. Definitely let me know if you're planning to stay with us or not. I think it would mean a lot to dad if you did, he even saved your old room.

See you soon little sis, Kaylee.

Significance: Alludes to the Alessia's connection to the Hackett Family and the references the incident six years ago aka the Freakshow Fire that was the reason why Alessia left the Hackett family


Clue 5: Hand Drawn Map

Location: Quarry Mine

Found by: Laura

Description: There appears to be a path connecting the old quarry to the evacuation site outside hand-drawn.

Significance: When Alessia would sneak out of the house to run to the freakshow to see Silas, She would climb out her window, sneak back into the house and down into the quarry through the rum tunnels to the evacuation site outside.


Clue 6: Old blanket

Location: Hackett Lounge

Found by: Alessia

Description: A blanket that appears to have been well used over the years. A corner appears to be re-sowed after being ripped off.

Significance: This was the blanket that Alessia gave to Silas to keep him warm on a cool summer night. He accidentally ripped it and Alessia resowed it before anyone could find out


Clue 7: Journal Page

Location: Hackett House-Alessia's Room

Found by: Alessia

Description: An old journal page dated back to 2015.

Dear journal,

I still can't believe that I met him. He may seem rough on the outside, I know he is just as innocent as me. We got along despite the bars separating us. He's a really cool friend and hasn't hurt me.

The Harum Scarum freakshow just arrived two weeks ago, but Dad (Still weird to write that) hasn't taken us there. I really wanted to see it. After sneaking away when they first came, I've been trespassing every few nights to hang out with him. Last time I was there, I was caught by the lady. Ever since, I've been locked in my room for the night. That won't stop me. Don't tell anyone, but I've managed to chart out a path to sneak out of my room at night to keep seeing him. I think the lady knows, but hasn't called my dad yet. Oh well, the risk is worth it. What is the worst that can happen?

- Alessia

Significance: Alessia writing about the first time she met Silas and how she is planning to sneak away to see him again.


Clue 8: Old incantation 

Location: Hackett House - Kitchen

Found by: Alessia

Description: It seems to be a healing incantation to break the curse on Silas and by proxy those living still afflicted with the curse.

Significance: This is the spell that Alessia stole the night of the freakshow fire to free Silas and turn him back into a human. 


Outcome Path: 

If Clue 8 was found: Laura, Travis and Ryan discover Alessia's connection to Silas. Alessia manages to convince them to let her break the curse on Silas. She decides to live at the Lodge as the new Camp operator to keep an eye on Silas.

If Clue 8 wasn't found: Laura, Travis and Ryan discover Alessia's connection to Silas. Alessia does not know it is possible to break his curse. When they confronted Silas, Laura killed Silas with a Silver bullet. Alessia comforted Silas in his dying moments.



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