Chapter 5

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14:00 | August 21, 2013

Hackett Quarry Summer Camp Lodge - Chris Hackett's Office

Getting called into the camp operator's office was never a good sign. Ten year old Alessia Sullivan was packing when the counselor told her Chris wanted to see her. Sitting in his office, she noted how much open space there was. The office was organized with a dart board on the wall and camp pamphlets on the desk.

"Alessia," Chris sat at his chair behind the desk, "Do you know why I called you here?"

Alessia shook her head, "I can't imagine what I did wrong."

He turned the computer to her. On the screen was an old missing person report with an old picture of her. The group who had sent it out were the people from foster care. That was a place she never wished to return to.

"Care to explain yourself?" Chris asked her.

Alessia looked down as Chris sighed, "I'm not angry at you, Allie, but you have to tell me what is going on so you don't get into further trouble."

"I just wanted to escape," Alessia confessed and met his gaze, "The foster system isn't a nice place to be in. I saw an advertisement for this camp and I just thought it would be the perfect escape. So I faked my information to sign up."

"How did you get the money to pay?" Chris asked her sternly.

Alessia swallowed, "I did extra chores and saved money for the whole year."

"What were you planning to do when the summer ended?" Chris lectured her.

"I don't know..." Alessia avoided his eyes, "I just don't want to go back to the foster care system."

"Tell you what," Chris said after a few minutes of silence, "How about after summer camp finishes, you stay here with my family. I'll fill out adoption paperwork to officially adopt you into my family. You've met Kaylee and Caleb. Both of them seem to love you. What do you say?"

"Really?" Alessia had stars in her eyes as she stared at him.

Chris nodded her head and Alessia couldn't help herself from hugging the man. Chris returned the hug and ruffled her hair, "It'll be fun, Alessia, I can promise you that. From this moment on, consider yourself a Hackett."


0:45 | August 23, 2021

Hackett Quarry Camp Poolhouse

Kaitlyn looked towards her friend, "Wait, so Chris is... Your father?"

Knowing she could no longer keep it hidden, she nodded her head, "Adoptive father to be precise. I came to Hackett Quarry Summer Camp back when I was a little girl after running away from the foster system I grew up in. It was a fun few years. Though, I ended up renouncing the name six years ago and never once regretted it."

"Alessia, I'm-..." Ryan started to say, but Alessia cut him off, "No, I don't want to hear it, Ryan. I trusted you and you blew it."

Ryan glanced away guilty while Alessia focused her attention onto Laura, "Chris may have had an impact on my life, but what we're dealing with isn't the Chris I knew. As hard as it is, we have to stop him from hurting anyone else."

"There could be another way. Have you thought about that?" Ryan asked Laura.

"I've spent the last month thinking about nothing else," Laura said sadly, "Look, when the sun comes up, I'm stuck until the next full moon. So is Max. So is anyone else he's bitten."

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