5. u got the job!

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The alarm clock from Nicole's grandma woke the two girls up a long with Lucinda opening the blinds letting the morning sun hit the girls faces.

"Give me like five more minutes" Nicole muttered pulling the sheets over her head.

"Come on girls it's already 10:30"

Nicole shot up straight rubbing her eyes looking at the clock and sure enough they were already an hour late.

Nicole's grandma said she was going to go down to the community room for her morning cup of coffee, that and so the girls would have space to get ready.

Nicole watched her grandma leave out the door and close the door after her, running over to Robins sleeping body shaking her awake.

"Wha- oh Nicole.. wait Nicole??"

"Not a morning person huh?"

Nicole laughed and got up to grab her uniform seeing it still had some stains from the vanilla milkshake from the day before. She frowned remembering the incident tried her best to scrub out the stains.

Robin eventually started to wake up recalling the events from the night before thinking about how she had just came out to Nicole and how Nicole had.. did the same? Robin was more confused than ever but what she did know was that she was wearing Nicole's clothes and late for work.

Robin rushed to the bathroom finding Nicole trying to clean her uniform.

"It- it isn't coming out" She said turning off the running water and giving a sorry look to Robin.

Although her uniform was wet and had stains she didn't mind. The only thought Robin had in her mind was how adorable she thought Nicole looked very concentrated and determined to clean her clothing.

"What are you staring at?" Nicole said laughing waving her hands in front of Robin before placing her hand on her shoulder.

"I'll change outside you can change in the bathroom" Nicole said shutting the door and leaving Robin blushing.


"Bye Nanny love you!" Nicole ran past her grandma and the other senior citizens as she rushed to the front door to get to the bus stop in time for departure.

"Bye Nicole's grandma!" Robin said running right after Nicole and following her outside.

Robins uniform was damp but she didn't mind the only thing that the two had on their minds was how angry Steve was going to be.


By the time the girls got there it was already 11am and the mall was opening in just an hour, they were supposed to be there at 9 to prep the bananas and other toppings. By the time the girls got there Steve was waiting for them hands on his hips, full on parent mode.

"Well well well what do y- What the hell happened to your uniform" Steve said looking at Robin concerned almost.

"Some guy threw it on me yesterday"

"What the hell why?"

"Someone was yelling at me and Robin got in the way and they threw a milkshake at her"

Steve looked at the two girls upset and told Robin to get in the back and try to wash it off. They thanked him and Nicole gave him a kiss on his cheek as a thank you.

"Yeah yeah just get that stain off"

Nicole laughed at his reaction and went to go in the back to help Robin with her uniform.

Just What I Needed | Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now