10. head over heels

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Nicole got up leaving Robin and Dustin to explain more about their plan and the vents and which places she needs to turn and all that planning stuff.

"So did she say yes?" Steve said wiping his hands on a rag and hanging it on a rack behind the counter.

"Yeah she said yes. They're just explaining how to get to the secret room?"

Steve nodded yes to it being called the secret room and they shared a little laugh.

Steve started to go back to doing whatever it was until Nicole stopped him.

"Hey, thanks for earlier."

"Yeah no problem!"

The two felt a little tension between them as they stared into each other's eyes before Robin interrupted.

"Hey dingus we need your help in the back" she said to Steve ignoring Nicole and walking to the back.

"Duty calls" Steve Said sighing before following her into the backroom.

Nicole sighed biting her lip in annoyance and watching the counter as the four sent Erica on her way into the vents.


"Okay child endangerment is a go!" Erica said as she stayed behind before Nicole locked up Scoops.

"Can we please not call it that!" Robin said and Erica smirked holding in her laughter as did Dustin.

The four of them waved good luck to Erica before locking it up and walking to go to the rooftop.

"Are we sure this going to work?" Nicole said looking back every few seconds. Wanting to go back and stay with Erica.

"It's going to work trust me" Dustin said flailing his hands around and then giving her a reassuring look.

By the time they got to the rooftop Robin had pulled out a Walkie-Talkie to contact Erica.

"Mhm I copy. You nerds in position or what?"

"Yeah we're in position it's all quiet here so you got the green light."

"Green light Roger that commence operation child endangerment"

"can we maybe not call it that." Robin said again annoyed but Nicole and Steve let out a tiny laugh.

"See you on the other side nerds"

Dustin was too focused using his binoculars to keep an eye on the door.

Once Erica had made it into the room the four in the roof top got excited, well mainly just Robin, Dustin and Steve. Nicole was tired and mainly ready to go home although she was a little intrigued by how far they have gotten.

"Booby traps?" Robin asked. Her and Nicole having a quick glance as did Steve and Dustin.

"If I could see them they'd be pretty shitty traps" Erica replied.

"Thank you for that."

Once Erica was in Steve seemed to be a little stressed out until they saw the door open and Erica reminding them how they owed her ice cream for life.

The four quickly got down and rushed to the room where Erica was in and closed the door behind. Excited to see what the secret containers were filled they opened a box quickly but it looked like some type of metal cage.

"Uhmm does anyone know what might be in there?" Nicole said but nobody replied.

Steve walked towards it and told everyone to stay back but obviously Dustin refused but Nicole, Robin and Erica backed up right away.

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