Lev x Reader

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"(F/n)-cha~n!" A certain silver haired boy jogs to you, as you also run towards him. He pounces onto you, his large body crashing into your petite one, making you stumble and fall to the ground.

Grumbling, you touch your back and whimper in pain.

"Lev, don't do that!"

"Sorry, got too excited." He apologizes

But so were you. The two of you hadn't met each other since did the grade, physically, but would talk through Skype and such.

"I missed you so much." you say, and hug him, not caring about the few glances and stares from the people walking nearby at the airport.

"I did too." he says and nuzzles into your neck. Immediately, he grabs your waist, and picks you up like a cat.

"Stop treating me like a child." you pout.

"I'll carry you home."

"Yes yes!" You exclaim. He chuckles and gives you a boyish grin, placing you on the ground as you moved behind his back and got a piggyback ride all the way home.

(Damn those muscles)


Writers block. The end. Shows how uncreative I am.

Soooo sorry ;-;


But actually had this in my drafts for about three months 😂😂 -slapped-

But yeah, something to hold you guys up while I'm finishing some requests ☺️



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