Tsukishima x Reader

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There was something wrong with Tsukishima lately. He used to be a huge jerk with a bad attitude, but his remarks and comebacks have lessened for some reason. The whole team had been talking about this a lot lately, and to be honest, it scared the heck out of them. Deciding, after they eat their usual meat bun from the Foothill Store, they would secretly follow Tsukishima to who knows where.

"Ready?" Daichi asks the team. They nod their heads slowly, not knowing what to expect.

"What if he's in a gang?" Hinata whispers to Kageyama, but the tall setter hit the decoy's head saying that was stupid and unrealistic, which shut up the decoy. The volleyball team watched carefully as the watch Tsukishima walk toward a similar route which only Yachi knew.

To (l/n f/n)'s house.

So this is why she didn't invite me over to house today..., Yachi thinks quietly (and felt betrayed her best friend hadn't told her that Tsukishima was her boyfriend).

"G-guys..." she says nervously. The whole team had their eyes on her now, and she squeaked a bit. "We-we're heading over towards (f/n)-chan's house." she states, which makes everyone's jaws drop with shock.

"That Tsukishima better not touch her, or Nishinoya and I are going to kill that bastard...!" Tanaka growls and Nishinoya nods.

"N-no no! It's probably not that but..." Yachi continues.

"Then what?" Nishinoya looks at the blond girl. She gulps

"I think Tsukishima maybe her boyfriend..."

"That's not possible!" Hinata whisper-yells(lol)

"I-I-I-I mean! Tsukishima's been a-acting weird lately so..." Yachi twiddles her fingers sheepishly.

"There is a chance that that's true though." Sugawara adds. Daichi nods and motions the team to follow after him.

Tsukishima walks down the street feeling a bit nervous for some reason. He walks up to the front porch of (f/n)'s house, or, his girlfriend's house. Yup, you read it right.


Tsukishima Kei, the big assy jerk who's also quite hot, had somehow captured happy, bubbly (f/n)'s heart.

He knocks on her door, and sees her in her favorite kitty tights with a skirt and over sized sweater on, which he got the sweater for her. While he greets her, the whole Karasuno team hides in the bushes, shocked at what they were actually seeing.

"Someone pinch me." Hinata says, but gets a smack on the head.

"Idiot, its real." Kageyama says while continuing to stare at the couple.

"Go Tsukishima!" Tanaka yells, popping out of the bushes. He freezes and noticed he said it out loud.

"Tanaka," Daichi turns his head toward the male, a dark glomy aura around him, "I'm doubling conditioning for you tomorrow." the bald teenage boy shrieks, but (f/n) comes over to save his life.

"Daichi-san, it's Tsukishima's fault he hasn't told the team yet." she turns toward her blond boyfriend, "I told you to tell them already or they'll just end up following you!" you scold him. He rubs his neck sheepishly

"It's hard..." he mutters.

"You're such a wimp." you cross your arms and puff your cheeks. In one swift motion, Tsukishima picks you up effortlessly bridal style.

"Well, we're going." he says and takes you to his house. You giggle at the team's reaction when Tsukishima hadn't given you a snarky remark back at you at all, and they watched you two, their faces were in absolute shock, watching you getting carried by your boyfriend.


You roll on Tsukishima's bed, waiting for him to finish taking a shower.

"When are you done Kei~?" you ask, craving for the strawberry shortcake that sitting was on his desk. Tsukishima's mother had bought strawberry shortcake as dessert for the two of you since she knew you were coming over.

Tsukishima comes out from the bathroom door with a towel around his neck.

"Quit complaining." he grumbles and plops down on his bed. You take a slice of the cake and put it on a plate while also handing a fork with it to the blonde. He manages to mutter out a "Thanks" before diving into the cake.

"Why didn't you tell the team beforehand?" you pout at him. He stares at his cake that was getting smaller and smaller. He shrugs his shoulders. "Do you not like me anymore?" he turn his head to see you giving your irresistible puppy dog eyes.

"N-no..." he glances aways and pulls you into a hug, placing the cake on the desk. You giggle and nuzzle into his broad chest happily.

"Good to hear." you hug him back, making his ears turn a bit pink.

Gosh, he was such a softy to you.


deviantArt: sentimentalsweets

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