Tsukishima x Reader

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|| opposites ||

requested by someone but I can't remember! ;-;

{sorta unedited}


the rhythmic beat of the heart monitor beat softly as your blonde haired boyfriend slept soundly next to you on your hospital bed, using his arms to use as a pillow. you quietly laughed at his sleeping face, how he was so soft and innocent looking while asleep, different from when he is awake.

you softly stroke his hair, fundling with a curls in amusement, then to stroking his cheek and down to holding hands tightly. you cold pair wrapped around his warm ones as you couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

Tsukishima stirs awake and sits up, adjusting his glasses while doing so and fixing his slight bed hair.

"you know kei, you don't have to come here and wait for me to wake up, right?" you ask softly.

he couldn't help but feel saddened by your words and the weakness in your voice. he missed the bright cheery tone as it was now softer and seemed "colder".

"I just want to make sure you'll be alright." he says and kisses your temple. you giggle at how he was so soft to you and her him scoff slightly.

"your laughing face is disgusting." he says sarcastically

"touché kei, touché." you smile cheekily.

truth to be told, you couldn't even imagine a better boyfriend than kei. even if he was brash and stubborn, he didn't treat you much differently than he would treat his friends, unlike yours that were constantly worried about you and rarely joked around when they would come to meet you.

you laid even more back into your ebony bed and sighed deeply. a comfortable silence filled the room as you blowed the strands of hair that covered your face, and watched them go up and down, relating it to your health.

"hey," Tsukishima speaks up, "you're making the face again."

"what face?" you question

"the face you make when you're thinking of something sentimental. yours eyes get cloudy and you seem to be spacing out."

"well don't you know a lot about me."

"that's why I'm name as the best boyfriend in the world." he says egotistically, a smirk creeping up his face.

"please don't have an egotistical attitude kei, it's really disgusting you know." you say in a matter-of-factly way

"you're the disgusting one."

"of course, since my health is horrible."

you could sense his aura sadden as his smirk turns into a frown.

"just kidding." you say quickly before he starts to rant about how you shouldn't be so negative.

"you better be." he says crossing his arms and pouting.

you lightly smile and move up to kiss him, but in the end, gave up and kissed his hand. he notices what you were intending to do and moves closer so you could give him a peck.

"are you a mind reader?" you ask jokingly and kiss his lips.

"I am when it comes to you, (f/n)." he says and kisses back.

breaking away, you look deeply into his eyes before speaking up once again.

"kei?" you ask


"will you bring (favorite flowers) to my funeral?"

"not this again." he groans, ruffling hi hair

"please kei, will you?"

"why do you bring that up so often? bringing (f/f) to when we have you funeral or something. why can't you just enjoy your life while you're still alive and not think negatively?"

"I just want to make sure you bring those flowers."

"it quite odd how you keep asking though."

"because those are the flowers you gave me when we first met."

"but... that was a dare."

"if weren't for the dare and flower, we wouldn't be here right?"

this left kei speechless.

"it wasn't really a special moment or anything..."

"look where we are now."

"but...," he trails off, but not knowing what to say. a thought crosses your mind and you laugh at it as kei looks at you with questioning eyes

"what's so funny?"

"it's funny how we're opposites."


"I think about the future, you think about the past, there's no in between."

your boyfriend looks at you unamused before rolling his eyes and letting out a low chuckle.

"some couple we are, aren't we (f/n)?"









// deeply breathes in

I'm soooo sorry for the crappy ending, I honestly didn't know what to write and rushed it since I really wanted to update something to say since I missed y'all so much ;-;


I really need to sleep now tho ^^'

10/28/15 🍓

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