Sugawara x Reader {Request}

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|| wild ||

for icetweaa  babe ・ᴗ・♡

{sorta unedited, sorry ( థ-థ)}


you were his everything, all he wanted, thought about, and loved. whenever he was around you, his heart beat fast, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he desperately tried maintaining his cool. but he loved that feeling after he compliments you, and you reply back with your bright smile that outshines the glaring sun. it was too much for him.

flittering butterflies flew around in his stomach, making him a bit lightheaded and dazed. you were the reason for all of the teasing he got from Daichi when you were around or talking to him, and though his body was shaking and trembling with excitement, it felt odd how he would still feel at ease with you, as if the warm summer - or soon to be fall - breeze hit his cheeks and sending numerous waves of chills up his spine.

it was a wonderful sensation, yet hard to sustain the exhilaration that mocked him.

as another regular school day had ended, he walked out of the gym to see you standing outside waiting for him like always.

"let me go change and we can go home together." he says. you nod in response and watch him go as you continue to play with your device.

he comes back into a fresh pair of clothing and smiles and thanks you for always waiting for him at the end of the day.

"i like it when you play volleyball, you seem really happy while playing it." was you short reply as you walk home together.

he tried to stop the grin that was eager to plaster across his face, but couldn't help but crack a grin and look up at the night sky. moments like these were his favorite. being able to walk home with his crush, being able to be neighbors with her, having lots of classes together, and just pointing out everything he had done with (F/n) was his favorite.

he was a fool in love and he couldn't help.

"you're driving me wild (F/n)" he mumbles to himself but apparently enough for (F/n) to hear.

"really?" she questions. the light haired male froze in his spot, not knowing what to do, and scared for her response.

he was not ready for rejection, yet.

he sulked slightly before hearing his friend laugh to their self quietly.

"that's funny 'cause I can say the same to you too, Koushi."


I wrote this while listening to "Wild" by Troye Sivan.

I "accidentally" typed down some of the lyrics from his songs ahahaha ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

oh and I'll be uploading v slowly for now cause, stuff? //slapped

9/6/15 🍓

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