Chapter 1: Awoken

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Boboiboy POV

It was dark.

I breathed deeply through my nostrils and felt the wind flow over my face. Blades of grass trickled up my arms and legs. My eyes felt incredibly heavy, as if they were waxed shut with a candle. I managed to peak them open, and bright light shone through. I immediately closed them again on instinct. It felt like forever since I had seen light or even moved. My body felt fatigued and stiff. However, despite my bodies disagreements, I managed to fully open my eyes.

I was met with a clear sky, some clouds in the area bestowing their beauty.
I kept my breath steady as I tried and very much failed to lift myself up. I don't know what happened, but my body feels as if it hasn't even as slightly twitched in super long.

My arms flail to the ground so I can sit up. I have to muster some strength to do that though. I took in my surroundings. I was at a wide, green hill, a slight mist pecking my skin. There were a couple spread out trees, each one radiating life and magical energy. Many precious flowers speckled across the grass. My iconic orange hat sat beside me on the hill. But the most unique part of the landscape however, was the statue that graciously stood before me. I stared in awe at the well carved statue.

Whoever made it deserves an award. I'll make sure to do that once I get back to Mondstadt.

Speaking of which, I don't recognise this place.
Where am I?

I was becoming quite scared, and confused.
One moment I was holding a power sphera that had somehow managed to land on Teyvat which I have been on for a long time now. The next, it's just dark.

There's no use worrying about it now though. Right now I just need some help and some directions to lead me back to Mondstadt.

You'd think that by having elemental powers I could easily find my way back, but I have never in my 5000 years in Teyvat have I been here and seen this statue. Don't question how I don't age. It does feel familiar however, perhaps simply deja vu.

Two voices were approaching the statue, and me being the exhausted person I am chose to just lay there seeing no real reason to get up. If they were dangerous, even in this state of body I could easily fight them. But first..
I need directions.


Some tiny floating being appeared from my eyesight and was looking at me for a while, staring in confusion until the second person caught up.

"Paimon that wasn't a fair race you can fly- OMG there's a dead teenager!"

Seeing this a perfect time to move as to ease the boy's worries. I uncomfortably decided to sit up this time managing to eventually fully stand. Of course with some of the boy's help after realising I wasn't actually dead.

"Apologies sir, for such a rude assumption. My name is Aether and this is my travelling companion/emergency food, Paimon." Aether said kindly. His emergency food, or Paimon however was not happy about her introduction.

"That's fine Aether. My name is Boboiboy." I responded finally out of the sleeping daze.

"So why were you here lying on the ground seemingly dead? Are you lost?" Aether bring his face right up to mine.

"What? No! Pft-" he stares at me with a deadpanned face. "Alright fine, yes I'm lost. Will you help me find Mondstadt?"

"Of course! After all, we have to go back there anyway after I complete my mission. It's not to far, nor will take to long."

"What is it? And why are you doing missions?" He seems pretty young.

"Well my mission is to defeat a hilichurl camp, and as to the reason why, is that I'm the honourary knight of favonius. Meaning it's my job." Aether explains as we walk to the now learned hilichurl camp.
That's amazing. He's a knight of Favonius! That is so cool. I don't even know what that is but it must be something new the people have done while I was asleep. Also don't know what a hilichurl is but they must be bad I guess. Oh gods. How long was I even 'dead' for? I hope the archons haven't missed me too much. Did Morax take care of them? Since he is the oldest. Or did Barbatos? Oh I'm so sorry my baby archons. 
My eyes glowed gold from my mama quake instincts.

"Uh Boboiboy? You there?"

I shot my head towards Aether. "Yep, I'm here"

"Good, you kind of blanked out. Anyways we're here." He said before kneeling behind a bush with me, Paimon right behind us. "there are the hilichurls. I'll fight them whilst you stay back."
Then he ran off to fight without even allowing time for me to argue. Rude.

He fights the hilichurls using what seems to be an anemo vision despite me being unable to see said vision. I should know since I'm the one that basically created them. Although it is weird seeing him with a vision seeing as I had never discussed with Barbatos in gifting him one.
Oh well I guess I just don't remember. I was never known for my good memory. I forget easily-


My thoughts were interrupted by a rock deciding to hurtal itself towards me. Aether realised I was in danger and tried to stop the rock from falling and slamming my crippled body 6 feet under, but failed miserably due to a hilichurl. Me having 5000 and I think 15 years of combat experience means that I was in no way of danger. Using my wind power I sliced the rock in two without even having to transform for it.
Aether was amazed by my skill and having decided I was fine continued to fight, this time with me along with him. We slaughtered the rest of the camp smoothly. Together we defeated the last hilichurl.
I was huffing and puffing, feeling somewhat rusty for some reason.

"You have a vision!" Aether exclaimed shaking me. He stopped in wait of an answer.

"Uh- yes! Hehe"

"Let's head to Mondstadt now, I could even share the good news about such a powerful anemo user to the rest of the knights! With your consent of course."

"I would love to meet them!"

Oh my gods he thinks I'm a powerful anemo user! I might just melt from the amount of compliments. Please fill my ego more!
And he said he'd introduce me to the knights. This day just keeps getting better. First I wake up confused in the middle of nowhere, meet a strange boy and his companion, destroy some hilichurls despite not even knowing what they are, and now am going to meet some supposedly famous knights from Mondstadt that I had no idea about!
I'm so confused.
My people are getting slightly out of hand.
How long was I even gone for if there are now famous knights protecting the land. And where's Barbatos?

"Hey Aether, how long have the knights of Favonius been protecting Mondstadt?"

"Umm quite long actually, why?"

"No reason, just curious."

How long have I been out then? A 100 years or something? Last I checked new Mondstadt was only just being built and Barbatos is still a somewhat new archon. It's only been 200 since that war. I hope Barbatos is doing alright.

"Isn't Barbatos the archon of Mondstadt? Why isn't he protecting the land?"

"You speak of Barbatos the god of anemo and freedom? He left Mondstadt a long time ago. He has the right and freedom to do as he wishes. He didn't think it was right for Mondstadt to be called the city of freedom but to be ruled over by a god. He lets the citizens do as they please. The city however still worships them."

Huh. So he chose to let the city of freedom be the city of freedom. Wise decision. But that means he isn't necessarily in Mondstadt anymore. Also implying he's been gone for quite a long while. Now I'm really worrying. How long was I asleep for? A couple hundred years maybe?

"Here we are. Welcome to Mondstadt."


Sorry this took so long to post. I have decided that with this series I'm going to make a couple chapters every couple of months. Post them and then proceed to write the next couple of chapters and so forth. Idk. writing is incredibly difficult and slow especially since I have a lot of other things and want every chapter to be of somewhat high quality so yeah.

Helpful critism is welcome for improvement or for something that does not make sense/needs clarification
Hate is not welcome ever. And overall just hurts the author's usually.
Commenting is always fun to read and a vote is always welcome.
Hint hint, you should do that. It fills my ego.

Have a good day/night. Probably night. I'm looking at you 1am readers.
Drink some hydration and GO TOUCH SOME GRASS!
Love you all!

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