Chapter 5: I'm sorry.. what?

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Boboiboy pov


It's dark.

It's warm.

I can see.

I can feel.

I see nothing but darkness.
Although I can't tell if that's because my eyes are closed.

I can feel my chest expanding as I inhale each breath.
I can feel a blanket weighing my body down with warmth.
I feel my body resting, cushioned as I laid.

I can smell black tea with a load of honey near me. And something that reeks of wine.

And I can remember...

I can remember...



I remember feeling like I was drowning. Like I had no control and that it was the end of the world. I remember hating it. I remember a warning. A warning of my friends being in danger. And something of a crushing welcome.
But who said it?


I jolted upward and pushed the heavy blanket off of me. I fell of the bed with a thud. What am I doing? I have to find him before he hurts anyone. Get up you weak body!

My vision is foggy and my body is a drag. I have to get up though.


Something tries to latch onto me. It clogs up my skin. Sweat drips down my back and I can feel myself trembling. My throat locks up. My eyes go every colour of the rainbow.

"i'm in danger" my mind is screaming. I still can't see. It's all foggy.

What do I do what do I do what do I do!


There. I've stopped.

My eyes are clearing up and I can see more clearly. I'm in a room. There's a bed behind me with disheveled sheets. The walls are made of stone and are lined with bookshelves. There's a desk and chair next to the bed with some paper and a cup of tea.

But most importantly, there's Venti. Right next to me, in fact he's latched himself onto me like I would disappear if he let go. My body has stopped shaking uncontrollably and I have a grasp on my situation.

I am currently really tired, in a bed at the infirmary, or at least was. I might've destroyed a winery because of a nightmare that came with a warning from... Him.
And I know that we are all in danger.

What a way to start off the day.

"Um, Venti? Can you let go now?"

"Huh? Oh yes of course my lord- I mean Boboiboy"

"So, what happened?" I whispered quietly, my voice seemed unsure of myself. It still trembled as I spoke, probably due to the adrenaline rush from earlier. "How did I get here?"

"I brought you here after you had that.. nightmare at the winery. You kinda freaked out and destroyed everything whilst hurting yourself." He spoke with hesitation and uncertainty.

"Oh, I see.." I'll have to apologise to Diluc and try to help fix up the bar if I'm even allowed to step foot in it again. I'm doubt i'll be granted permission to help after the stunt I just pulled to destroy it. Damnit. Now I just feel really bad, Diluc doesn't deserve having to deal with me.

"I'll have to apolo-"

"Who's Retak'ka, Boboiboy?" Venti cut me off.

"Retak'ka? ..Where did you hear that Venti?" What the heck! How does Venti know about him? Were we already doomed to begin with? Is he already here? Oh no oh no oh no

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