Chapter 3: Flashback

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"Boboiboy! It's almost 7 o'clock, you have to get up if you don't want a whoopin."

I sat up startled from the familiar voice. Too quickly it seemed as I ended up hitting my head on the top of the bunk.

Wait, bunk? Wasn't I just at the tavern visiting venti to listen to more stories? I've been staying in Mondstadt for about a month now so we're well acquainted. Where am I?

My eyes search the room carefully, soaking in every detail. It seems so familiar. the room looked quite futuristic. It had two desks holding a hologram screen, the bunk beds held onto the wall, the walls having some bright colours but being made of steel. There was a figure at one of the desks reading a book.

A breath got caught in my throat. I could feel my heart throbbing in my chest. It couldn't be. No. It can't be. The boy looked up from his book and stared at me with a smile. 

"Welcome to the living sleepyhead."

My lip quivered in pain.


It's him.

I could recognise that mischievous look anywhere. He looks exactly the same. He's wearing that red and white sweatband on his forehead and that iconic yellow and green jumper. He looks just how I remember. Tears welled into my eyes. Oh Gopal how much I've missed you. I haven't seen you in over 5000 years. How much it pains me to finally see you again. It must've just been a long bad dream I've had. We're still on the ship getting ready for our next mission after defeating Retak'ka.

What am I saying? Have the last 5000 years been non existent? I never made it back to my friends after the battle. I fell straight off the dam and to Teyvat. I watched as my friends jumped down after me. All that happened.


I've lost it haven't I?

"uhh, Boboiboy, stop daydreaming already and lets go. The rest are waiting with breakfast."


Walking down the halls of the ship it seems as if I never left. TAPOPS station looks and acts exactly the same as it used to. Aliens were still buzzing through the walkways heading to their stations or gossiping about newest recruits. We stopped at a door that opened by itself revealing a huge cafeteria filled with many tables and many groups of mixed aliens eating, mainly mop.

My eyes however got caught looking at a group of 4 people all sitting down at a table eating, laughing as the one with cool purple hair and glasses kneeled onto the table pretending to be some powerful alien that isn't actually all powerful. Two girls were sitting down by him, one with a pink hijab and flying goggles sitting on her head, the other with a yellow and blue themed clothing, a beanie, a pair of glasses and hair tied in pigtails. A man sat across from them laughing his head off, probably about 40 years old but wearing a superhero costume. 

It can't be. 

Fang, Yaya, Ying, Papa Zola!

It's really them! I might as well just start crying on the spot at this point. Gopal struts over to them and immediately greets them by sitting down and chomping on some breakfast he made with his power. Fang gets down from the table and starts chatting to the others. I'm smiling  at this point, maybe on the verge of tears. 

"What's wrong Boboiboy? You've been really quiet all morning." Yaya asks me. 

"Nothing Yaya. In fact it couldn't be better."

It really couldn't be better. That was no lie. I'm here with my friends once again protecting the universe- Hold on where's Ochobot? 

My thoughts were interrupted by a large shake that caused everyone to topple to the ground, like a massive earthquake. Alarms started blaring through my ears as my friends went under the table on instinct. 

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