Chapter 6: Oh.. there's a meteorite

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When we opened the door to the office, Jean was seen standing around a round table as other people sat down. This included Lisa the librarian, Albedo the chief alchemist, Amber, and some strange small girl that wore a purple leotard and witches hat. She had her hair in pigtails and had a constant theme of stars across her outfit.

Seeing as we had obviously just barged into an important meeting, everyone stopped and stared as the attention was placed on us.

"I apologise for the intrusion, but I know I can help with the situation."

Boboiboy pov

"You can help with the situation? Pft-" the star themed girl stared at me unimpressed. "How could you, help with a meteorite coming straight for us!" She accused, screaming towards the end.
The poor girl seemed quite panicked and stressed. The others weren't looking too great either.

"Despite how I may look, I am quite powerful." With this, the strange girl looked at me with glowing pupils, suspicion crawled across her face—almost looking into my soul—until a look of shock and a smirk appeared on her face.

"You're.." she flicked her hair back and smiled knowingly.

"..not from this world, are you?"

My eyes went wide. Just one look at my  face and you can tell she was completely right.

"Now, who might you be m'lady?" I asked after calming down from the accusation.

"The name is Mona. I'm an astrologist and the one who discovered the sudden meteorite." She responded carefully.

So it really did just appear from nowhere. This is simply confirming my suspicions. This has to be because of Him.

"Whoa whoa whoa.  Can we back up a minute? Boboiboy, you're not from this world? What do you mean?" It seemed Venti had finally arrived after following us here. And he asked the right question as it seemed everyone else had it playing on their minds. A few started getting riled up and accusing me of stuff, whilst others chose to stay quiet and patiently wait for me to explain. It was clear how much stress they were suffering and this reveal was a bit too much of a shock to them.

"I am sorry my friends, but I have been lying to you all." I started,  hesitant to really start talking about this. I haven't shared this secret since I got to Teyvat. Should I tell them everything?

"My name is Boboiboy. I am biologically 15 years old and I come from the planet Earth. It is much like Teyvat except with no visions, much less monsters and is overall much bigger."
Shock appeared on their faces at the confirmation I gave.
"I worked on protecting the galaxy and powerspheras, and I have the power of elemental manipulation."
Best to just spill it all out now right?
"Before I fell to this planet, I fought with a vile alien who has the ability to steal elemental magic from planets and my own power."
A look of horror spread across their faces. "And despite the fact that he cannot magically create anything without my power, he is still nonetheless physically powerful. He just gets stronger from an elementally filled environment. And frankly Teyvat is a perfect candidate for this as it is simply filled with elemental magic. I myself feel my powers upgraded by simply being in the atmosphere. Which leads into my next point." My god I'm really just saying everything and not waiting for a response. I was scared that if I do wait for one, then I just won't say anything.

"The meteorite that is coming this way..."

"You don't mean."

"..yes. I believe it is him, Retak'ka." A terrifying feeling crossed through everyone in the room.

"You see, before this I had a vision, a vision that he was coming. And he wanted to personally torment my dreams."

There was a moment of silence until Jeans' determined voice cracked the air like glass
"So then what's the plan?"

"I- I don't know." My face had a grim expression.

"I might be able to destroy the meteorite before it impacts the planet. But at the speed it's at and of how big it is, the meteorite will still land but in big chunks and spread throughout mondstadt and around it." Destroying the meteorite if I even can is a huge gamble though considering that we don't know how big those chunks will be or where they hit. Because of this, if we try to evacuate the city and bring them to a spot in the outskirts all together, if one big chunk comes hurtling in their directing they're pretty much screwed.

But it's a risk we're gonna have to take.

I feel a flood of determination and strength flow through my body and a strong breeze blows through the window and to me. Around me, the team are talking strategy and all very worried. I take a good look at Venti who's staring at me with a worried but supportive expression.

It warms my heart to know that even after 2000 years, he's still got my back, ready to silently support me in any way possible.
He's like the harness to rock climbing. A little reminder that even if you fall, it'll catch you.

I smiled to the others to display some confidence and shook off my worried demeanor from before.

"Don't worry about the meteorite guys! I've got this." I gave them my signature smile and thumbs up, my eyes glowed a warm gold.



I finally had the motivation to write this chapter after what.. a year?

How I update this fic is very much touch and go. I write when I feel like it.

Anyways I hoped you all liked it.

Ask always, leave comments I love reading them and drink some water 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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