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"There is an old tale, of the founder of all elements." A certain bard began to tell a story in a well known bar.

"He was the creator of teyvat and master of seven elements. It is said that he even had the power of light. He brought magic and life into this world, and became a saviour to all." People in the bar began to listen as the tale went on.

"He created the archons to help and protect the people of this land. But after helping and fertilizing this land for so long he vanished, leaving the archons in control of helping, and granting the people freedom to do what they wished. The people named him the elemental saviour." At this point of the story almost everyone in the pub was invested as the bard kept telling the tale with much detail, and a harmonic lyre being played in the background.

"No one knows if the story is true but it is prophesied that one day, he will appear for battle against an enemy no one could comprehend to even exist." That last sentence perked the ears of a certain man sitting on a bar stool, sipping on some dandelion wine.

"That's an interesting prophecy, Venti."

The bard also known as Venti ducked from the crowd and went to sit next to his new friend.

" And who might you be that understands prophecies or the past?" Said Venti, intrigued by this stranger.

" My name is Boboiboy, and I'm just a simple traveller who knows that story incredibly well."

Elemental SaviourWhere stories live. Discover now