Chapter 2: Monstadt

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Boboiboy pov

Mondstadt looks different to say the least...

Who am I kidding, I barely even recognise it!
It's beautiful! Not that it wasn't before, just different. Last I had been here which was like right before I had woken up, new Mondstadt was still under construction and not this wonderful paradise. I'm so proud.

I must looked weird coz Aether was staring at me strangely.
I was just in shock. There's a stone bridge with a clear canal, people buzzing through the streets, going from shop to shop for materials. There's a fountain in the town centre with a view to a kind of castle. The pupils of my eyes were dilated in wonder and glowed an emerald green kind of colour, Thorn's personality momentarily taking hold.

"Mondstadt is beautiful Aether!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

"It is. I thought you'd been to Mondstadt before though. Why else were you searching for it?" He gave me a puzzled look.

Sweating nervously I thought of a lie, "I hadn't been here, it was simply my destination and got caught up on my journey. Hence how I got lost."


He still gave me a wary look. But the conversation was broken by a yell.


A young lady was gliding and smashed right into Aether. She had long brown hair, a red bow, some high length boots and a cheerful personality to match.

"So sorry traveler, I wasn't looking. Are you ok?" She said removing herself off Aether and dusting her clothes.

"I'm fine thank you. Boboiboy meet Amber. She's one of the knights and probably the sweetest person you'll ever meet."

"It's nice to meet you lady Amber." I greeted her in a formal manner as she was a knight and first impressions matter.

"Amber meet Boboiboy, he's a skilled anemo user and I just have to have him meet the knights.
See ya later!" And just like that Aether gripped onto my wrist and went straight to the castle. I'm filing a complaining order for this man. I call assault. The girl seems nice and bubbly though. She reminds me of someone. And I don't think Aether's trying to be rude, he's just excited, I can tell.

We're walking through the stone brick halls and we pass a few people on the way. All of them greeting Aether. He must be pretty popular.

We stop at a door that is proceeded to be opened by Aether after a knock and a faint 'come in' coming from inside. I'm greeted by daylight beams through big glass windows, and a beautiful woman sitting at her desk.

Her hairs blonde and tied back into a ponytail. She's wearing a coat and some white pants. By the way her shoulders are squared and chin is up, I'd be safe to assume she is the boss of the knights I think.

"Aether what can I do for you."

"Jean meet Boboiboy, he's a very talented anemo user and is new to Mondstadt so I'm showing him around."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance lady Jean." I spoke bowing my head in politeness.

"The pleasure is all mine. It always good to meet another vision holder in the city. My name is Jean and I help take care of Mondstadt."

So she is the leader. I wonder where's Barbatos to help her. Surely this job is difficult.

"We'll be heading to the winery now. See you later Jean. Please don't overwork yourself."

And just like that as soon as we came in we left. These are some really fast introductions. I can sense the amount of excitement radiating off of Aether. He must enjoy this winery.

After trotting through the streets of Mondstadt with me still gawking at the area, we stop in front of a nice tavern and I can hear some music of a lyre playing inside. As we enter I notice the place filled with customers and most of the crowd entranced by a bard playing the lyre and telling a story. He seems oddly familiar.

I go to sit down on a stool next to Aether and some two guys. One man was quite muscular and handsome, with dark skin, an eye patch on his right eye, long blue hair and a fur coat. You could see a cyro vision on his belt. The guy next to him was blonde and had a bored expression  he wore a white cloak with a dark purple undershirt, a geo vision was visible on his shirt collar. He seemed to be partially in the conversation but too involved in the book he was reading to care.

The man was about to grab another bottle of dandelion wine before it was snatched away by the bartender. He had red long hair, a black jacket, had a pyro vision on his belt and stuck a scowling look on his face. Almost like he constantly hates his life. Opposite to the blue haired vibes.

Aether introduced me to them. The pirate guy was Kaeya, the nerd was Albedo, and the resting bitch face was Diluc. Such wonderful company. Thunder was definitely showing.

My ears perked up as I began to hear the bard begin to tell a new story to the audience.

"There is an old tale, of the founder of all elements." The bard began to say.

"He was the creator of Teyvat and master of seven elements. It is said that he even had the power of light. He brought magic and life into this world, and became a saviour to all." Everyone in the bar was listening as the tale went on.

"He created the archons to help and protect the people of this land. But after helping and fertilizing this land for so long he vanished, leaving the archons in control of helping, and granting the people freedom to do what they wished. The people named him the elemental saviour." At this point of the story almost everyone in the pub was invested as the bard kept telling the tale with much detail, and a harmonic lyre being played in the background.

"His name's Venti. He entertains for wine." Aether says to me drinking some juice and his back to his conversation with Kaeya.

"No one knows if the story is true but it is prophesied that one day, he will appear for battle against an enemy no one could comprehend to even exist." That last sentence had me really interested whilst sipping on some freshly ordered dandelion wine.

"That's an interesting prophecy, Venti."

The bard also known as Venti ducked from the crowd and went to sit next to his new friend.

" And who might you be that understands prophecies or the past?" Said Venti, intrigued by this stranger.

"My name is Boboiboy, and I'm just a simple traveller who knows that story incredibly well."

"Is that so?" Venti said intriguingly.

I have a couple suspicions about this bard. One being that he is no ordinary bard. I recognise him from my time but just can't put my finger on it. That story he was telling slightly confirmed it. It was about me after all.
I have also come to the conclusion that I have been sleeping for maybe a thousand or two years.
The bard is also radiating immense magical energy, more specifically anemo. Too much of it for simply being a vision welder. I also see no vision on him. He reminds me of him and even shares similar looks, but I can't assume just yet.

"Well yes I have some prior background on the matter. And you remind me a lot of someone. Name's Boboiboy. Care for some wine?"

"Don't mind if I do." Venti enthusiastically said.

We bonded really well quite fast. By now I know who he is but he hasn't realised who I am. It's amazing to see how much he has grown. I'm so proud of him. The maternal instincts are going haywire.
The rest joined in on our conversation and I was actually having a lot of fun in which was probably a hundred years no overestimating. Not including the time I spent asleep. I was enjoying my time with them. We might have just met but they all remind me of the people I care about. The people I one day hope to return to. My friends from Earth. My family. TAPOPS, my home.

I miss them...


End of chapter 2

The meeting of some new friends 😃👍

If there are any mistakes in this please tell me kindly in the comments.

As always love you all and have good night.

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