The Ways We Change

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I think that a really common misconception is that in order to be passionate about something you have to feel it every ounce of every second for it to be considered true passion. But I think that normalizing feeling stagnancy and just being purely fed up is just as relevant to passion as the fire that drove you to it in the first place is, isn't knowing the pitfalls of your commitment vital to becoming better? Taking a break isn't bad at all, saying that in order to love what you do you can't doubt it for a second is toxic, life happens, we're human. Our brains change over time, it's okay to change your goals as you develop, just like it's okay to go about life like you don't know what will happen next. Because you don't, you just have to keep going and play every day by ear. If you drive yourself to be 100% on 100% of the time you'll burnout and you'll end up resenting yourself, trust me I've been there before, cycles of self hatred aren't productive to anyone. So cry, take breaks, spend days suspended in time, change your goal when it needs to be changed. At the end of the day there will always be someone more experienced, more driven and with better resources, but that's okay because it's not about that. It's just about finding your own compass, one that will guide you along your journey in life, whatever it may be and however it may change. You don't need to feel a certain way to be perfectly valid in your own skin.

- Eli

Been dealing with a lot of insecurity in my writing recently so publishing this was a very happy step for me :) I hope you kinda grasped what I was getting at here, we're human, we change. Xx 

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