Chapter 11: Feelings Suck

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Y/n stretched her arms over her head as she watched Hunter adjust dials on the dashboard.

"I still don't get how you can hotwire an entire ship, but not know how to fly it," he teased, looking back at her. 

She shrugged, kicking her feet carelessly. "I've never actually gotten this far with stealing one. There hasn't been a need to steal a hovercraft before."

"Alright," he sighed, turning to face her. "What else do you know how do in in case of 'emergencies'?"

"I don't know if I should tell you that. You are still an officer of the law." Y/n snickered. Hunter rolled his eyes. "It's a little late to protest your innocence. Under arrest, remember?"

"Fair point," Y/n conceded. "But I can't reveal all my secrets."

"Why not?" Hunter complained. "You already know my biggest one," he gestured to his face, "All because you couldn't resist stealing my mask."

Y/n laughed. "Okay. I'll admit that one was unnecessary. But I really was curious."

"See, that's not fair. You've got an advantage." he protested. Y/n leaned her head to the side, stifling a grin. 

She slid off her perch on the ship's cargo and wandered up beside Hunter. "Teach me how to fly this thing?"

"So you can take over the ship and escape? Not a chance." he scoffed. Y/n made an over dramatic sad face. "Please? I swear on whatever honour you think I'm capable of."

"You have to promise you won't run away." he cautioned. Nodding, Y/n held out her hand. "Deal."

They interlocked their fingers and shook twice. Hunter stared down at their hands for a split second before clearing his throat and letting go.

"Alright, Golden Guard," she teased, "teach me to fly."


"You are insufferable," Hunter groaned, leaning against the side of the ship as Y/n messed around with the numerous switches. 

She grinned triumphantly at him. "I prefer the term 'annoyingly endearing'."

He laughed despite himself, trying to stifle the sound behind her arm. Y/n stared at him confused. 

"Are you afraid of laughter or something?"

Hunter rolled his eyes. "No, I'm not. Apparently my voice is 'annoying', though."

"It's only annoying when you're trying to give orders. It makes you sound like a grumpy toddler," Y/n replied, shrugging. "But what do I know, I've never heard you actually laugh before."

"Thanks for the input," Hunter deadpanned, looking away.

"For what it's worth, I think you have a nice laugh." Y/n muttered, uneasy with giving compliments. "Better than mine, anyway. I laugh too hard and it just turns into howling."

He smiled at the mental image. "Speaking of the whole wolf thing," he started, only for Y/n to cut him off.

"To summarise, I've got an elixir that keeps the whole 'claws, fangs, and super strength' at bay. It's not easy to go outside one night and notice you've suddenly grown a tail and lost a couple thumbs."

Nodding, he observed the definitely non-wolf girl in front of him. "Have you ever not taken the elixir before?" he asked curiously. Y/n winced. "Once. I thought that maybe I could control it that time, that maybe I would be, I don't know, strong enough to handle it?"

She sighed, her shoulders drooping. "It was stupid, though. Let me tell you, those claws are sharper then you think." 

Hunter noticed the barely-there scars on her cheek. "And here I thought this was as far as the werewolf thing went."

Both teenagers jumped when the intercom of the ship crackled to life. "Alert. This craft has been reported stolen. Justify your identity or prepare to land for questioning."

Y/n paled. "Damn it."

"Report your identities immediately." the voice insisted. Hunter leaned close to Y/n's ear. "You told me to trust you earlier, now it's time for you to trust me," he whispered.

He could hear the rapid beat of his heart as she nodded, moving aside from the control panel so he could pick up the receiver. 

Inhaling deeply, he pressed the transmit button. "This is the Golden Guard, on route from the arrest of the Wolf of the Woods."

Y/n eyes widened as the intercom was silent. "Eye witnesses confirm the sighting of the Wolf. Do you require assistance?"

Hunter hesitated. All it would take would be for him to agree, then he could fulfil his mission without further trouble. 

Looking back at Y/n, he saw how rigid her entire body was, prepared to run. This is a test; he thought. He sighed and turned back to the receiver. 

"No, I can handle this." 

Y/n's laugh of relief broke through the silence as he clicked the transmitter off. "Wow, I thought you were desperate to get rid of me?" she chuckled.

He crossed his arms defensively. "I don't need help to get you back," he protested.

"Are you sure?" Y/n teased, walking over to a cargo bin and sliding down to rest against it. "I am, as King put it, a slippery little thief."

"That just makes my success all the more impressive," he insisted. "Single-handedly captured one of the most-wanted criminals of the Isles."

"Aw, you're making me blush." She opened up her bag, and looked down to double check that King was still sleeping soundly inside. Satisfied with his safety, she tucked the top closed and leaned it against the ship's wall.

"Oh, Mr Golden Guard!" she swooned dramatically. "Your most-wanted criminal isn't going to be much use if she collapses from hunger before you arrive."

"You're joking." he grouched, spinning around from the wheel to glare at her. "We're less than a day away and you want to stop for food?"

She disregarded his tone and shrugged. "What can I say? Rescue missions take up a lot of energy."

"You're still on wanted posters everywhere. How exactly are you planning to get something when you'll probably be killed on sight this close to the castle?"

Grimacing at the reminder, she fell back against the cargo boxes. "Isn't it your job to keep me alive for your 'mission'?" Y/n asked mockingly. 

"Not like this!" Hunter complained, resisting the urge to strangle her. Y/n frowned. "If you don't want to go then you can just drop me off and let me find something myself."

"Right. So you can escape."

"No!" Y/n groaned. "So I can eat! Like a normal person! Isn't it customary to give the condemned criminal a last meal at least before they go to die?"

Hunter froze. "You're not gonna die," he lied. Y/n sat up and stared directly at him. 

"You don't believe that. You and I both know better."

He shook his head. "The Emperor is merciful. He only wants justice."

"Justice for who?"

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