Chapter 1: Better Luck Next Time

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"Human treasures and artifacts, rarer than anything you'd find here!"

Eda swung her staff madly in an attempt to gather attention. "Very reasonable prices for these fabulous items," she grinned at a passing witch. "I can tell you need some joy in your life, you look dead on your feet!"

The witch gasped, offended, and hurried away.

The Owl Lady physically deflated as the passing crowds continued along without a single glance. "Ugh, you'd think these chumps would be more susceptible." Eda groaned as she dropped her head onto the table. Y/n glanced down from her seat in the back and rolled her eyes. 

"Oh, I suppose you have a better sales pitch, huh?" Eda said grouchily, propping herself up on her elbows. 

"As a matter of fact, I do." Y/n scoffed, hopping down off the bench and standing in front of the overcrowded table. The busy streets barely allowed her any room, but she inhaled deeply and howled.

People paused at the sound. Y/n straightened up and smiled toothily. "With every purchase comes a selfie with the one and only Wolf of the Boiling Isles!" 

The crowd broke into excited murmurs as they pressed towards the table. Eda sprang up and began grabbing the proffered money. "Hah! Nice thinking there, kiddo!"

Y/n shrugged and let the customers snap pictures beside her, the sound of the camera shutters and excited chatter almost deafening. 

"Don't forget, folks, we're here everyday! Tell your friends!" Eda shouted over the noise, and was met with cheers. Y/n climbed on top of the table and waved coquettishly at the consumers.

"Give us another howl!" someone called, and Y/n bowed her head in mock shyness. "Yeah! Howl!" another joined in. 

"Well, our Wolf here seems to be a little bit shy. Anything we can give her to help her out?" Eda asked slyly, joining Y/n on the table.

The spectators held out more bundles of cash, which Eda eagerly snatched up. "Alright kiddo, might as well give the people what they want."

Y/n breathed in and let the howl pour out of her throat, filling the square with an echoing note. Screams of excitement followed it as people recorded the sound and posted their photos. 

"Now, I think that'll be enough for today. Don't wanna tire her out, huh?" Eda said pointedly as she waved her finger over the merchandise. The tablecloth flipped of its own accord and bundled the items up and onto her staff. 

"Hold it right there!" someone  shouted, and Y/n and Eda turned in unison to see a team of guards struggling to make their way through the crowd. Led by a figure in a golden mask.

"Isn't that just great," Y/n muttered as she jumped off the table and ducked low. "Get out of here with the stuff. I'll get 'em off our track," she told her partner, who nodded and took off into the sky. 

The crowd surged against her as the guards started forcefully shoving people out of their way. Y/n groaned and pulled her beanie over her face.

"Spread out. She's still here." the Golden Guard commanded as Y/n made her way through the throng, shielding herself with customers. As she neared the edge of the square, Y/n felt her shoulders droop in relief. 

"Halt! No one leaves till the criminal has been caught!" a large guard said, moving to stand in front of the exit. People around began murmuring in annoyance.

Y/n cursed and slid her way to the stands, with the intention of hiding out until they gave up. As she reached a seemingly abandoned one, a hand tightly encircled her wrist and lifted her into the air, dragging her out into the open. 

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