Battle of Senfu

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Harrow holds out a familiar looking golden bug. The Scarab? No way.

"Why settle for the clue when you can have the treasure?" Harrow asks, still holding out the scarab. I can tell Anton is interested.

"Anton. Anton, don't listen to this man. He's trying to stop us from reaching-" Layla doesn't get a chance to finish her sentence.

"Please, stop." He says, his attention mainly still on Harrow's offer.

"He's gonna kill millions, trust me!" I beg, wrong choice of words.

"Are you seriously talking about trust?" I can't respond, he's right.

"Please, there's no need to descend into violent accusations." Harrow interrupts, walking towards us slowly. "Each one of you has so much more in common than you know."

"Oh c'mon." I whisper purely out of annoyance.

"Layla, you keep thinking that distance will prevent the wounds from your father's murder from reopening. But something stands in your way. Your husband and stepchild don't tell you the truth." I watch as Layla glares at Marc standing on the other side of her, knowing I was too young to have done anything. "And Marc, you don't tell her because you know that if you do, she'll see you exactly as how you see yourself, as unworthy of love."

"You piece of shit." Marc says, I'm honestly kind of curious what he'll have to say about me though I'm sure it will be wrong.

"And Rowan. You find yourself standing next to the man you resented your entire life, and yet still find disappointment when he doesn't listen, though you know how he never has. I'm sorry for your loss." I'm at a loss for words, how could he know about Rocky? Or the one sided conversation from earlier?

"Anton..." Harrow says, interrupting my thoughts as he raises a glowing purple cane. "The lore surrounding these relics. I offer proof that's it's real." It's almost as if he has Anton under a spell. "This sarcophagus doesn't belong to anyone."

I can tell Ma'at is watching us, and remember how she mentioned his cane in the pyramid.

"Anton, would you like to see for yourself?" Harrow asks, though by now I've spotted Ma'at on a nearby rooftop, I notice Marc staring at the same roof. Why must they always be in the same place?

"Yes. I do." I hear Anton say, though refuse to look away from the goddess.

That is until Harrow starts chanting in a language I have never heard. His voice is unusually low and grumbly as he speaks. He raises his cane in front of his face. I have a very bad feeling about this.

I look to see a large purple light flowing around Senfu's sarcophagus powerfully and immediately know that he's going to destroy it, and in turn destroy our chance of reaching Ammit's tomb first.

"That's just a taste of the godly power I offer." Harrow says once the sarcophagus fell into rubble.

Harrow starts walking away, everyone's attention in him, when one of the guys on horseback rides up.

"Hey, he's gone." I immediately know where he is, and look up to see him in his armor standing on top of the glass pyramid that once housed Senfu's mummy.

Marc throws one of his blades at the guard watching both me and Layla knocking him to the ground.

I immediately summon my suit, pulling out the gun and aiming it back at one of the guards. Marc jumps down from the pyramid, dramatically spreading his crescent shaped cape and kicking one of the guards.

I start fighting off a group of guards as more come at me, stabbing them, shooting them, or slashing at them with my metallic wings.

At one point I feel the burning sensation of a bullet entering and exiting my left shoulder.

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