This was Inevitable

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"Well, back at the house there was that bedroom that you didn't want us to go into." Steven says. "That's it. That's where we'll go."

"Just a second. Just wait a second. Just give me a second here. Okay?" Marc says, stopping Steven from strutting any farther down the hall. "Um, look, we don't have to go back through it all again. We can just talk. Let's just talk."

"Didn't you say you never have been able to do that?" I ask.

"Weren't you asleep when I said that?" Marc looks over his shoulder at me.

"It's called ✨acting✨"

"Whatever. Let's just talk. Right here, right now. I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything thing. Okay?" Marc asks. "I'm just begging you, don't make us go through there again. It's not worth it."

"Not worth it? Not worth it? Marc, you're about to lose everything. Do you understand? If we don't get back, and Harrow succeeds, and all those people die..." Steven says.

"Steven, stop." I try.

"If Layla dies, that's on your head. It'll be all your fault." Steven continues.

"No, no, no! You can't! I won't do it?" Marc starts screaming.

"Marc!" I try to yell over him but it's no use.

"I won't do it! You can't make me! You can't make me!" Marc starts slapping himself in the face.

And then he's gone. Marc just disappeared into thin air.

Steven and I look at each other, both confused.  And then he takes off running.

"Steven! Wait!" I say chasing after him. I have a feeling I know exactly where he's going.

He runs through a door and doesn't bother shutting it after him. I chase him through the door and into a child's bedroom. Posters line the wall, admins a young Marc brushes things off his dresser before sitting down, breathing quick and shakily.

Marc stands right in front of Steven. What the hell? He just disappears and reappears like nothing? I'm starting to hate the Duat.

"I don't... This is my room." Steven says, peeking out from behind Marc. "I remember somethings but I don't remember this."

A kid knock comes from the door next to us, causing the young Marc to jump.

"It's not Mom. It's not my mom." The kid repeats, rocking back and forth as the knocking continues. "It's not my mom. It's not my mom."

"Marc, open this door." Wendy's voice says, surprisingly calmly, from the other side. "Open this door right now." Never mind.

"It's not my mom."

"Open this door." Wendy says again.

"It's not my mom." Marc says, trying to convince himself at this point. "It's not my mom."

Young Marc's eyes roll back into his head and his entire demeanor changes.

"Bloody hell. Look at the state of this place. Better sort it out before Mum sees it." Young Steven says, starting to pick up the mess Marc had created.

Steven walks forward a bit, getting closer to his younger self, I hear him finish the last sentence in unison.

"Marc, open this door right now!" Wendy yells, Steven is oblivious to the entire situation, and continues cleaning up the markers and pencils scattered across the floor.

"When danger is near, Steven Grant has no fear." Steven reads, I look to see where he got that, a movie poster. "You made me up."

"Open this door right now!" Wendy screams from the other side of the door. And then it opens, this must be a continuation of his 12th birthday, considering both of them are wearing the same clothes and Wendy looks just as drunk.

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