Sneak peak

21 1 2

My blood runs cold.

I can't respond.

"Hello? Rowan? Scarab, are you there?" King's distinct voice calls through the phone.

I hang up.

What kind of sick joke is this? King is dead.

Caller ID unknown flashes across my screen again.

What the hell? Why not? I have nothing better to do with my time.

I mean other than go buy food, but that's boring.

"Scarab! Thank god. I need your help." Comes through the second I answer.

"What kind of sick joke is this? Caleb Bassine is dead. I dunno who you are but your not getting anything from me." I say quickly, trying to get them to drop the act.

"Scarab, please. It's not a joke. It's me, it's King, I need your help." The person on the other end sounds both super worried and almost exactly like King.

"Uh Huh, if your King, tell me something only king would know." I say, secretly hoping that it would actually be him.

"After you used to get into fights with your dad you'd come cry in my office."




Man really called me out.

"You didn't have to use that one!"

"Do you believe me now at least?" He sounds hurried.

"Yeah, yeah. But you have some explaining to do."

"Whatever, Need your help. I don't have much time. Listen. My death was faked, it all was. I've been kidnapped- oh shit."

Quickly follows a ton of fighting and yelling in the other end and then the line goes dead.

"King? King?!"

{AN: this was supposed to be like a written trailer, but uh, I think I'm gonna make another sequel? So uh yeah, see Onyx Coming soon to my Wattpad


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