The Death of Ammit

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"So now you speak English?" I ask, holding the door from opening any wider with my foot.

"I'm from New York, Chico . But that's not the point. Can I come in?" He asks, leaning against my doorway.

"Tell me you name and why you're here and maybe I'll consider it." I say.

"Jake, Jake Lockley. I figured you might wanna join me on something." He says.

I silently open the door, and walk in, Jake follows me and shuts the door.

"Nice place, Rowan." He says casually. I freeze "you never told me your name did you?"

"No, no I didn't."

"I've lived as Marc for as long as I can remember, it's kinda hard to not hear about his long lost child 24/7." He explains, sitting down on the couch.

"What do you want?" I ask, sitting down in the recliner across from him. (Don't judge it's comfy)

"You ask too many questions, niño." He says. "Your goddess is the goddess of Truth, right?"

"I ask questions because the last time I didn't I got dragged to Egypt and killed. But yeah, Truth and Justice, why?" I lean back in the chair and pull one knee towards my chest.

"Alright, vamos." He says standing up.

"Gimme a minute." I say, leaving him alone in my living room.

I quickly grab a fresh outfit from my closet. Peeling off the crusty bloodstained outfit from the tomb, and switching it out for a simple black hoodie and grey sweatpants. I run my fingers through my grown out hair, god I really need to fix that.

"Ok let's go... what are you doing?" I step out my bedroom door to see Jake crouched down examining the slight stain left by Rocky's blood.

"Blood?" He looks up at me.

"Yeah, some douche broke in and killed my dog. My landlord might kill be but eh. Let's go." I say, honestly scared for what was ahead.

Jake stands up and we walk out the building. Jake immediately heads for a white limo. The license plate reads SPKTR in sliver letters. Marc doesn't have the money for a limo!

I follow Jake and get in the passenger seat, getting the funny feeling that someone is on the other side of the divider, but not a human someone.

"How do I know your not gonna like, murder me?" I ask once he pulls out of the parking lot, not the best timing, but I've had worse.

"Because Khonsu would kill me if I killed Ma'at's Avatar. Plus your Marc and Liza's kid." He shrugs.

"You..knew my mother?" I ask, no one really talks about her anymore, Marc even kind of brushed her off in the Duat.

"Didn't you already learn that Steven and I have been around since we were kids? Por supuesto que conocía a tu madre." (Of course I knew your mother) he says.

"Right. Oh yeah, uh, sorry about the whole leaving you in the sarcophagus thing." I apologize remembering how I told Steven and Marc not to open it.

"Eh, that's ok. The past is past. You seemed kind of freaked out that day on the cliff." He says, he really brought that up.

"Yeah, well you did kill 2 people and seemed pretty damn happy while doing it."

"True, we're here." He says putting the car in park.

I look up to see Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital.

"¿Vienes, chico?" (You coming, kid?) Jake asks walking around to the passenger side.

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