September 10, 2010

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Today was ok. Father and Marie almost made me watch Stevie while they went out tonight with the Hendersons. I told them I had plans with Stacey and they got Paula to stay late tonight to watch him. Of course that took a little bit of fanagling, she's a smart woman I wouldn't even stay if my parents didn't offer an extra hundred bucks! Stacey and I are going to the football game, and then theres a party at Tyson's tonight. 

So I'm trying out my new cute and comfy look and I'll see how it works tonight. I'm going to wear a gold oversized silk tunic with a teal beaded necklace. Pair it off with white cigarette jeans and black gladiator sandles. Bringing some extra clothes that are warmer just in case.

Oh, and Tyler Jenson made me the cutest bracelet today in sculpting class. He's only a sophmore, but he's really funny and nice. I like to talk to him in my sculpting class. The bracelet  was made of colored wires and some flower shaped buttons. He's such a sweetheart, though most people look at him as the class clown and don't take him seriously. I on the other hand think he's more than that. He's not bad looking himself with his his shaggy blonde hair and tanned skin from surfing all the time, he is a serious surfer that kid. Anyways, I think I'll wear it tonight, maybe it will bring me good luck!

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